Great Is His Faithfulness
The Lord says,
I have set a table for you. I Am Jehovah Jireh, your provider. I Am the Lord of abundance. I Am the Lord of the harvest. I Am the Lord of all fruitfulness. Will I not pour these out for My children whom I love? Will I not provide everything you need? Have you not seen My hand of faithfulness in your life?
A Call to Occupy
The Lord says,
I Am here with you and within you. I Am for you, and I Am activating you for assignments. I Am causing new flames of passion to rise up within you. I am causing you to have great vision and insight and excitement about the place we are going.
Choose Purity and the Continual Renewal of Your Mind
The Lord says,
You are worthy of love. Your worth comes from your Maker. I made you, and you are as a priceless jewel to Me. Therefore, you have great value. You are worthy of love, because I made you. My heart spills forth with love for you.
Find Freedom in Letting Go
The Lord says,
Break off those things that are holding you back. Break ties with the things that are holding you captive in the old season. Find freedom in the breaking off of the old ways, the former ways, the toxic or negative relationships, mindsets, habits and assumptions.
Trust the Lord & Be Satisfied in Him
The Lord says,
Find the missing pieces you are looking for in Me. Find your satisfaction and your completion in Me. I Am waiting here to bring fulfillment and fullness into that space — into that gaping hole in your heart. I’m the only one who can plug that hole and seal it for good.
It’s Time to Dance
The Lord says,
Cast off the things that are holding you back. Cast off the things that are causing hesitation, doubt and lingering in past hurts or failures. Cast these off. As you cast them off, feel the freedom that you experience and dance for joy. Celebrate!
It’s Time to Trust, Plan and Build
The Lord says,
Trust Me. Trust Me in the shaking. Worship Me. Let the songs from your heart come up to Me. Rejoice. Live in peace and from peace. Let yourself glide through life unaffected by the storm around you.
Purify and Protect Your Land
The Lord say,
Focus on the simple, most essential blessings. Give thanks for the people, the relationships and for the place I have put you. Sing songs of thanksgiving, and let gratitude spill out of you for these most important, most essential blessings. They are what make up your life.
Live in Great Anticipation and Joy
The Lord says,
Do you feel that budding of anticipation in your heart, in your spirit? Soon it will burst forth with color and vibrancy and with the fragrance of worship to Me. Stir up the gladness in your heart. Stir up the anticipation, the excitement, the hope, and the joy.