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A Word for the Day of Atonement

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m fitting you for service. I’m equipping you with grace for the battle ahead. This is a war equipping. You can’t go into battle wounded. You can’t go into battle carrying loads of baggage that has no place in war. You can’t go into battle wearing the old clothes under your armor. No. You must be stripped bare.

You Will See My Goodness and My Glory

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I Am buttering your heart. Better than a salve, this is a covering that heals with abundance. I’m buttering your heart. You are about to see the extravagance of My love poured out in your life. This is a time where you will richly taste and see that I Am so good, always good, extravagantly good. My goodness and My extravagance will surround your heart as you look square in the face of fulfillment, as you hold your promises in your hand.

This Is the Firing the Clay, Commissioning for Use & Baptism by Fire Phase

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who rules and reigns forever say, 
I have saved the choicest meat for you. The choicest morsel is for the one I choose to honor, bless and delight, and I have reserve that portion for you. Goodness is your portion. The fat of abundance is your portion, and a place of honor is your portion. The delight of your heart is on My mind. The lighting of your heart on fire with a powerful eruptive flame is on my heart.

You Were Not Meant to Be A Beast of Burden, You Were Made to Run Wild & Free

I heard The Spirit of the Lord say, 
My eyes are on the sparrow. I see your heart. I see the contents of it. I see the places that are tender and bring pain when touched. I know what lights you up, what excites you and delights you. I know what makes you tick. I made you. You are beautiful, inside and out. You are wonderfully and perfectly made. Put your trust in Me. Put the full weight of your confidence and trust in Me. I will give you rest.

Align Completely with Truth, So You Can Ascend

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
Truth is being heralded forth from people’s hearts with a trumpet sound. Hearts know the truth, and hearts are announcing and making the truth known in the streets, in the city square and throughout the world. Hearts are releasing the truth, which is that — the truth is the only thing that will set men free, will set women free, will set boys and girls free. Only the truth can do that. Anything short of the truth will keep them bound in chains,

Watchmen Report to Your Posts & War With the Word of the Lord

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
The pace is intensifying. I Am the Lord of the times and seasons. Though the enemy pushes and pushes to have his way, I control the times and seasons. I Am increasing the intensity of the pace. I Am causing it to feel like time is speeding up. This will force the enemy to play every card in their hand before the game is over. I Am squeezing them with the intensity of the pace and the shortening of the time. Time is running out for the wicked.

We Live in a Super-Abundant Kingdom that Can Only Be Accessed by Faith

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
You live in a kingdom of super-abundance. It’s time you see the fruit of that. It’s time you understand the truth of that, the magnitude of My super-abundant nature. In Me there is no lack. In My kingdom, no lack exists. All you have to do is reach out and grab it. Abundance comes from the condition of your heart. Faith attracts abundance. The kingdom is in you, so if your heart is dry, your soul is dry, and your faith is like a dry, cracking riverbed, you will not live in the reality nor experience My goodness overflowing the banks of the river of your heart.

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