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Destiny Road

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Grace is channeling toward you. My favor and My grace are being channeled toward you, very specifically. This is not general grace and favor. It is very specific, and it is directed and headed and destined to you and for you. My children know My voice. My sheep know the sound and the cadence of My voice.

Live in Peace and Faith Amidst the Storm

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Choose trust in the chaos. Choose trust in the confusion. Choose trust in the storm that surrounds. Trust in Me, and I will reside with you. Keep your trust, your belief burning like a flame. Be diligent to protect your flame from the winds of adversity, the winds of public opinion, the winds and torrents of stress and uncertainty.

Rise Up, Run In & Be the Light that Conquers Darkness

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is sufficient to cover the cheat, the steal. My goodness will always overwhelm their evil. My redemption, resurrection and overcoming power will always overwhelm the darkness if those in the light will run into those dark places. If those who bear My name and carry My light inside of them will not fear the darkness but instead will rebuke the darkness, run into the darkness and cause it to dissipate and become a place of sparkling light.

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