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The Lord Is Moving for Recompense — It’s Time to Get Up on a High Mountain to Pray

The Spirit of the Living God of Glory says, 
Get up on a high mountain to pray. Lift up your voice in supplication to Me. Lift up your voice, and pour out your heart. Lay it all out — all that is in your heart — all that has been compartmentalized so you can keep going about your daily living, all that has been shut into the recesses of your heart so you can avoid the pain of acknowledgement — of hurt, of desire, of unfulfillment.

Sing, Commune With The Lord & Walk By Faith

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Keep walking forward. Keep singing, even though you can’t see the road ahead. This is a time to walk by faith, not by sight. This is a time to recount My faithfulness to bolster your own strength, to bolster your own belief that I Am absolutely good, that I Am carving out the path in front of you by My grace and with My perfect plan.

Release Your Need for Control & Live in Unwavering Faith

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Trust and obey. The original sin was unbelief. The enemy stirred doubt by his words, “did God really say...?” Have rock solid faith in Me. Do not be swayed. Do not be moved. Unbelief is sin. Without faith it is impossible to please Me. Childlike faith takes humility and letting go of control. Faith says, “I can’t control this situation. I can’t control the outcome. I will leave it in Your trustworthy hands.”

Exalt the Lord Above All

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Exalt Me in your thoughts and mind. Exalt Me in your heart. Crown your thoughts with Me. Let Me be exalted above all. Let Me be the King of your days, of your heart, of your life, of your future. I Am to be exalted above all. I Am the King of Glory. Lift Me up in your sight. Lift Me up in your heart. Lift Me up in your life, your decisions, your conversations.

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