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The White Silence Is a Cleansing Place, a Refuge from the Noise & a Portal to the Lord’s Presence

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
I’m sharpening your ears for hearing. These may seem like times of great silence from Me. My subtlety, My volume, My light touch is training your sensitivity to My Spirit. This is not to create a feeling or suggestion of distance. I Am not distant. This is a time to press in further. This is a time to sit and wait with expectation that you will indeed hear My voice, you will absolutely feel My touch and receive an answer on which way to go.

These Will Be Known As the Treasure Days

The Spirit of the Living God of Righteousness says, 
The air has shifted. I’m lightening the atmosphere that weighs on My lovers. The pressure and the weight is lifting, and buoyancy is returning to your souls. I’m making you feel like dancing. I’m causing your heart to skip with delight. These will be known as the Treasure Days.

Do the Training in the Secret Place

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My peace is settling on My children like a soft, comforting blanket. It will be with you for the road ahead. Settle in until you find me in the silence. Stay there long enough — waiting upon Me, meditating upon Me, worshipping Me — that the silence and the empty space begins to fill and you can sense the residue of My Presence.

The Truth Is as a Sword

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My Word is eternal, and My fountain never runs dry. My supply never runs out. I Am faithful to the end of the ages, and even after that I remain faithful. You can count on Me. You can trust in Me. I Am who I say I Am, and I Am doing and will do the things I said I would do. Trust in Me. Count on Me. Hang your hat on My Word. It is true.

The Lord Will Bring Us Victoriously to the Eastern Shore if We Remain in Him

The Spirit of the Living God of Grace says, 
My grace is pouring down like a waterfall. My mercy awakens you with a kiss. These are My gifts to you — gifts that bring advancement and freedom, gifts that latch on to your heart’s cry, and say, “come on, let’s go. Let’s do it. Let’s reach it. Let’s climb it. Let’s achieve it. Let’s set the captives free.”

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