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The Lord Is Cutting Off the Head of Leviathan & Setting His People Free

The Spirit of the Living God of Israel says, 
I’m taking you back to Camelot. Ancient spirits are opposing truth, are opposing unity, are opposing freedom. But I will cut off the head of that snake, Leviathan. I oppose those who oppose My people, my plans, My purposes and My future for the world. This ancient spirit has clouded vision, has lied, twisted and deceived the hearts and minds of many.

Today Is the Day of Your New Beginning

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
A new beginning is here. You are being handed a baton from your former self, from the old you, from the just now you, from the moments just before now you. And you are taking that baton into the days ahead. The race is ready. It has been prepared for you, for the new you, for the emerging you, for the victorious you, for the you who is unapologetically you, in Me.

The King Is Turning the Tables & He’s Pushing Us from Darkness into Brilliant Light

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Trust and obey. Keep moving in My direction. Keep moving in the direction of My heartbeat, My delight, My Presence, My guiding. More is to come. More shaking and along with it, more grace for you to stand. More turmoil and a greater measure of peace will be poured out on you too. More headwinds for the wicked, and a great driving wind of My grace at your back to accelerate you even as the wicked stall out and meet trouble and delay.

Fresh, Weighty Anointing Is Here — It Will Require Purity & Discipline to Carry It

The Spirit of the Living God from whom all blessings flow says, 
I Am causing streams to flow in the desert. I Am bringing a downpour of favor, blessing and great refreshing in the place where people have been waiting for their transition. Destiny is here. Anointings, gifts and platforms are being given. They are being handed out and distributed by My graciousness and My love. They are being handed out to individuals who have been waiting, who have shown themselves faithful, diligent and true in the desert place.

Be Diligent in the Small Things

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
I choose you. I choose you for great exploits. I choose you to do serious damage to the Kingdom of Darkness. I choose you to advance and take the high ground and the hill country beyond that. Yours is not a little part. Don’t look at what I have put in your hands and heart and say that this is a little part. Don’t say, “my part is only a small part.”

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