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Your Inheritance Is a Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken

The Spirit of the Unshakeable Living God of Peace says, 
I Am Your rock and firm foundation. In Me you don’t have to fear the shaking. You don’t even have to feel the shaking, even as you observe it taking place. I Am the stability of your times. I Am the great stabilizing force, because I Am immovable, and Mine is a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. That is your inheritance and your birthright.

Allow the Lord to Reset Your Tempo & Focus

The Spirit of the Living God of Peace says, 
The separation was necessary for building. The separation was required for growth. Don’t hold on so tightly to the way things have been. We have entered a next phase of building, and new materials are required. New postures are required. New structures are required. And you will see springtime on both sides of the what feels like a separation. You will see flourishing, growth and fruitfulness.

Advance with God’s Generous Gift — the Shield of Faith

The Spirit of the Living God of Peace says, 
Trace My goodness in your life. Doesn’t it lead unerringly to today? Doesn’t it lead surely to this place? This moment? Your history is a story of My faithfulness. Your heritage proves that I Am true. Walk with Me. Believe in Me. Assume your birthright. Take hold of that which I have given you. Your faith is a weapon. It is both offensive and defensive.

Enter & Remain In the Lord’s Zone of Perfect Peace

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Purity befits a king. The stillness is Mine. You can find Me in the stilllness. You can find Me in the silence. Mine is the peace that calms raging rivers and stops dams. My peace changes things. Create room for Me. Create a space where you can find Me in the silence, in the stillness, even in the dark. Mine is the Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Yet more shaking is coming. More shaking is here.

The Wicked Are Trapped in a Dead End

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Evil is running into a dead end. They have hit the wall. Now they are trapped as in a back alley behind a dumpster of their own making, and they have nowhere else to go. The stench is intolerable, but still they will be hemmed in. There’s no escape for the wicked. There’s no alternative route for those in league with demons.

These Are Grace Days Made for Running

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Righteousness will reign. My Spirit is being poured out on all flesh. Young men are seeing visions, old men are dreaming dreams. I Am the potter, and you are the clay. You are a vessel for service. You are fit for service and made for good works that I have prepared for you in advance. You are the light of the world.

The Lord Is Setting the Pace & Time Is Moving Faster

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Time is advancing forward, and I will set the pace. You have felt as if you were nearly standing still, barely advancing, barely moving, yet I Am speeding up the pace. It will feel like you have gone from park to overdrive. It will feel like you went from standing still to a hypersonic sprint. This is the business of My timing. This is the work of My hands.

The New Day of the Lord’s Grace is Here

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
This is the new beginning. This is the new day. You have crossed the threshold, and the waiting period has ended. Night has fallen, and the chapter has closed on waiting. This is the time of fulfillment. This is the time of holding your dreams, your promises, your hopes, your prayers in your right hand. My Spirit is leaping inside of My sons and daughters.

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