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This Is Your Now Celebration

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Grace say, 
The choicest parts — I have saved the choicest parts for you. I have held back and reserved them for you. I intimately and specifically know all you have waited on, all you have desired, all you have prayed to have. You watched as others received. You watched as portions were given, and you celebrated their portion. You celebrated their portion when your plate was empty.

Lion Warriors Are Being Birthed & Commissioned for Battle

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
I’m birthing something new. I’m birthing and releasing something brand new. It’s something the world has never seen before. I’m birthing something brand new in My true Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. This new birth will arrive with a roar, and it will be as fierce as a lion. I’m releasing, I’m birthing a fresh warrior lion spirit into the hearts of My remnant Church.

Buckle Up — This Is a Time of Epic Transitions

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Epic transitions. We are in the time of epic transitions. Nothing will remain the same. Nothing will look the same. Nothing will operate the same. Buckle up. We are hurtling headlong into this time of epic transitions. What you knew will be no more. It will be in a past that cannot be reached back into. Epic transitions are here, and it will seem like you are in a boat riding out very choppy waters. You will have very little control, but the vessel is secure.

Yours Is an Occupation of Truth

I heard the Spirit of the All Powerful, Omnipresent Living God say, Truth remains an occupation. Remain on truth. Occupy the place of truth. Stand on truth, and wave the banner of truth. Do not be moved. Yours is an occupation of truth. Your assignment is to occupy truth, to camp out on truth, and to refuse to leave the place of established truth.

The Lord’s River of Awakening Grace Is Rushing — We Are To Be Ministers of His Grace

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Abundant Grace say, 
Grace in abundant supply is rushing like a river fed by mountain runoff. This grace is fresh. It’s crisp, and it carries awakening. It carries a startling awakening as it rushes over people. As it splashes on to people, they will be touched by awakening. Some will choose to wade into the very chilly, crisp waters of the grace river.

This Is the Day of the Lord’s Favor

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Do you hear the drumbeat of My favor? The drumbeat of My love? It is resounding with a good cadence. It is marching steadily toward you. You will hear the drumbeat of My favor, the intimate drumbeat of My love in your heart, in your life. This is not a time to say, “I have been abandoned.” This is not a time to say, “the Lord has forgotten me.” It’s not a time to say, “I’m all alone, and I can’t see the way forward.” This is a time to rejoice, to cheer with great shouts, to sing songs of My love and My victory, of My faithfulness.

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