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Be a Minister of Reconciliation

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
RECONCILIATION. This is a time that calls for all forms of reconciliation. This is a time to be at peace with all men insofar as it depends on you. This is a time to be settled in your heart about every relationship in your life. This is the ground floor of revival. Don’t let anything — any conflict, any disagreement, any difference be a stumbling block that remains in place on this ground floor time of visitation and transformation. Seed every heart you encounter with faith, with joy, with hope and with love.

The Lord Is Charting New Courses of Destiny in Hearts

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
A big difference — a big difference in hearts, a big difference in lives. I’m charting a new course in the determined paths in people’s hearts. Hearts have been dead set on a particular direction, but I Am coming in and charting a new course in their hearts. It’s a path that they did not see. It’s a road that they never considered. The path of destiny in your heart — the one that set your soul on fire, the path that made your eyes ablaze with passion and excitement and wonder — this path will seem dull and lackluster when compared to the new path I Am charting right here alongside it in your very own heart.

You Have the Assignment of the Twelve Spies

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Chosen ones — chosen because of your heart, chosen for living with Me as your heart’s delight. I have chosen you for great exploits in the Earth. You have the assignment of the twelve spies. I Am sending you out in advance of the people to see and survey the Promised Land. You will leave the manna behind and taste and see the abundant variety of My goodness in the land of the giants, in the land that I have promised and in which I have prepared for you to dwell.

A Flood of Super-Abundant Grace

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all grace say, 
Grace abounds. This is a time where My grace is abundant. The grace river is flooding its banks and is pouring into your life. This isn’t leftover grace, this is abundant, super-abundant grace. It’s available, and it is coming to saturate your life and scene. Grace is being poured into your life, is flowing into and flooding your life for natural advancement and supernatural exploits.

This Is The Revealing of the Lord’s Purposes and Time

I heard the Spirit of the Living God from whom all blessings flow say, I’m drawing you close to My heart. This is a time of My lovers drawing nearer and nearer to My heart. I Am granting them greater access to deeper, unexplored places that they have never been. You are accessing My inner chambers. You are accessing rooms and you are accessing and being given the ability and authority, the right to handle My timing. My timing and details behind My purposes have been locked away for safe keeping, undisturbed in this inner room. And now I have granted you access to enter in, to see, to study, to observe and explore.

No More Delay for the Vehicles of God’s Grace

I heard the Spirit of the One True God say, 
I’m choosing the vehicle that will carry My grace. This is a weighty assignment, but it can be done with ease. For the one whose heart remains pure, whose eyes remain focused on the road ahead — on the vision — and whose ears and mind are closely attuned to My heart, even laid on My chest, this will be an easy assignment. It’s a straightforward assignment for the one operating in obedience, for the one whose desire and aim is to remain the right path.

The Tables Have Turned — Keep Your Heart & Motives Pure

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Allow anticipation to arise. Allow excitement and expectation to arise. The ride has begun. The new ride has begun. This is a new ride. This is a new day. The twists and turns here are different. You cannot anticipate them based on where you have been. But these are days of great glory. These are days worth getting exited about. These are days where you release the tight grip of control you have held, and you flow with My Spirit. Release your tight grip of control and ride as a passenger of My Spirit.

The Word Is Proceed!

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’ve poured out grace in the place of your preparation — grace into your fingers and hands. I’ve anointed your head with oil for wisdom in how to proceed and with gladness. I have anointed your hands to succeed in the work I have put before you to do. I have anointed your mind with wisdom and strategy from above. Move forward in the bold unshakeable confidence of a king. Move forward with the immovable conviction that I Am with you, and I have appointed you and anointed you for the tasks in your hands and the tasks ahead.

Tear Down the Hindering Walls & Walk with the Lord on the Everlasting Way

I heard the Spirit of the Living God, the Father of all creation say, 
Grace to behold My face. Grace to see what touches My heart. I’m opening to you the paths of righteousness. I have given to you the keys of My heart — so that through you, by your hands, My Kingdom does come and My will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is what it is to be co-laborers and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus. This is what it is to be firmly planted and anchored on Christ the Rock and firm foundation in whom there is no shifting shadow but only pure light. These are days for children of the light. They are arising and shining and burning brighter and hotter than they ever have before.

The Spirit’s Freedom Move Will Not Be Grasped or Tamed

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m moving in a way that can’t be caught. I’m moving in a visible way that evades the hands and arms of men (people). This move of My Spirit is wild and free. Some will want to grasp it, to lower it, to tame it and make it predictable — to fit a place or a people or a schedule. I tell you right now, I will not. Those who would try to tame Me or manipulate My freedom move are chasing after the wind. As long as they do, they will never touch the Source. They will not tap into My flow. I Am exalted, and it is songs of adoration and worship that cause Me to come low, to hover over a people, a person, a congregation. It is humility and drawing near of hearts, it is the desire of hearts that draws Me.

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