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The Best Is Yet to Come

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I have brought you to a place of ease — ease in Me. It’s a place you have entered because you know Me. My scrolls of you are secure in My warehouse. They are beautiful, protected and secure. My scrolls of you are many, and I never run out of paper to write about you. You are my heart’s delight. I love to see you learn to walk in My ways. I love to see you hunger for understanding and deeper access into the chambers of My heart. My scrolls of you are many. They fill rooms of My warehouse in Heaven. 

Cease Striving & Give the Lord Your Time

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I Am drawing you into a place of rest. I Am drawing you into a place and a rhythm of Sabbath and reliance on Me. Your faith has been in your work. Your faith has been in the productivity of your hands. I’m calling you to deep rest, faith and abiding in Me. I have given and established the principles of wealth creation (Deut. 8:18). They are this — seed, time and harvest. I have called you to plant the seed. I may call you to water and weed and take care of those places where the seed has been sown. But I Am calling you to give Me the time. Give Me the time.

Your Voice Is Your Occupation

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all Creation say, 
I’m worthy. I’m worthy of your attention, of your honor and praise. You are worthy. I placed that worth inside of you. I Am the one who makes you worthy. Receive it. Your acknowledgement and understanding of your worth is what allows you to pick up the commissioning I have given you and to go forward boldly in it. It’s not your skills. It’s not your perception of your preparation. It’s not your pedigree. It’s your understanding and acceptance, your acknowledgement of the worth, the value I have placed inside of you.

The Truth Is Resonating & Its Sound Is Piercing Hearts

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all truth say, 
The vibrations of truth are bellowing. They are equalizing. And they are quieting the sounds of opposing forces in the ears of the people. The resonance or frequency will bring with it a weight and a great quieting force. It will have the power to silence all opposition, and it will muzzle the mouths of even the loudest screeches and shriekers. The truth has a vibration. It has a resonance. And while it has been only affecting some, it will sustain the many. It will be food for the many.

Compound Transitions Are Here — You Will Live One Life in Two Places

I heard the Spirit of the Living God from whom all blessings flow say, 
Transitions are here. Transitional moments of power for change are here. Even your transitions will transition. You will enter a transition believing it is a direct line — believing it is a settled point that leads linearly to the next. But you will find out is a compound transition that leads you to unexpected places, that gives you insights into things behind the scenes — provisions for seasons yet to come and evidence of battles already won.

Welcome to the New Age of Difference

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who leads us into all truth say, 
Truth will soar in the hearts of men. Truth will soar in the hearts of mankind. Truth will soar above them in beautiful, pristine, absolutely pure array, and it will cause many to marvel at the breathtaking brilliance of it all. Truth will soar as the plans of the enemy crumble, fall and fail. The juxtaposition of the beautiful breathtaking pure brilliance of truth together with the freedom that marks the truth will soar above all creation as the plans of the enemy crumble and decay, inert and unable to rise, unable to hold weight under pressure, unable to defend itself as it crumbles forgettable to the ground. But the truth will capture hearts.

The Lord Is Now Releasing the Best Gifts from His Father’s Heart

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all truth say, 
The choicest parts, the very best gifts come deep from within My Father’s heart. I have held them there and reserved them there until the right moment for you. This is the time of the release of the best gifts from My Father’s heart. All that has been desired, dreamt of and waited on is being released from where I have held it safe and secure as a perfect tightly held treasure in My heart. It’s being released to you now.

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