The Spirit’s Freedom Move Will Not Be Grasped or Tamed
I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
I’m moving in a way that can’t be caught. I’m moving in a visible way that evades the hands and arms of men (people). This move of My Spirit is wild and free. Some will want to grasp it, to lower it, to tame it and make it predictable — to fit a place or a people or a schedule. I tell you right now, I will not. Those who would try to tame Me or manipulate My freedom move are chasing after the wind. As long as they do, they will never touch the Source. They will not tap into My flow. I Am exalted, and it is songs of adoration and worship that cause Me to come low, to hover over a people, a person, a congregation. It is humility and drawing near of hearts, it is the desire of hearts that draws Me.