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The Spirit’s Freedom Move Will Not Be Grasped or Tamed

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m moving in a way that can’t be caught. I’m moving in a visible way that evades the hands and arms of men (people). This move of My Spirit is wild and free. Some will want to grasp it, to lower it, to tame it and make it predictable — to fit a place or a people or a schedule. I tell you right now, I will not. Those who would try to tame Me or manipulate My freedom move are chasing after the wind. As long as they do, they will never touch the Source. They will not tap into My flow. I Am exalted, and it is songs of adoration and worship that cause Me to come low, to hover over a people, a person, a congregation. It is humility and drawing near of hearts, it is the desire of hearts that draws Me.

Grace Winds Are Bringing Adversity for the Wicked

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Grace, grace is flowing. Grace is flooding every part. Truth is the bedrock beneath the flow of My grace that will be seen. Some will be shipwrecked by truth. Others will be saved by it. They will find truth as a refuge and a firm foundation, a great relief from being tossed to and fro by the stormy seas of chaos and the winds of desperation. My grace is flowing. My grace will drive many right to the bedrock of truth, and it will be a welcome departure from where they had been. It will be a welcome solid place on which to stand.

False Shepherds Are Being Exposed — Will You Chase Them Out?

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Rasin’ the dead back to life. Raisin’ the truth from the grave. The truth has been buried, and lies and false doctrines, doctrines of demons have been on parade. They have danced through the graveyard of truth as victorious ones, but they are demons with skeletons. Pastors have conducted funerals for, spoken last rites for and buried truth deep in the ground. Meanwhile they dance with demons. Meanwhile they parade as ones who live above the people. My shepherds were never made to live above the people, the sheep they were called to serve. I called them to get down in the muddy sheep fold with them and lead them into the way everlasting.

A Time of Consecration & Unprecedented Victory

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
It’s the time for consecration and victory. It’s the time to rise and shine, and be who I made you to be. It’s time to lead the throng in worship. It’s time to lead the procession to the House of the Lord. I made you to be a worshipper with the heart of David. I made you to rally the faithful and lead them to My heart, to the very Throne of God. This is a time to be in unrestrained celebration of Christ your King. Holy is the Word of the Lord. Holy is the Name of the Lord God Most High.

The Year of the Lord’s Favor

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all abundance and from whom all blessings flow say, 
Favor has been appointed and directed for you. An abundance of favor is being poured into your life. The abundance, the fatness of My favor and goodness will cover you, and it will break the yoke and every chain. No agent or tool of bondage will be able to hold you back from what I have for you, because of My favor, because of the abundance and overwhelming fatness of My goodness being poured out on you and into your lap and life.

The Best Is Yet to Come

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I have brought you to a place of ease — ease in Me. It’s a place you have entered because you know Me. My scrolls of you are secure in My warehouse. They are beautiful, protected and secure. My scrolls of you are many, and I never run out of paper to write about you. You are my heart’s delight. I love to see you learn to walk in My ways. I love to see you hunger for understanding and deeper access into the chambers of My heart. My scrolls of you are many. They fill rooms of My warehouse in Heaven. 

Cease Striving & Give the Lord Your Time

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I Am drawing you into a place of rest. I Am drawing you into a place and a rhythm of Sabbath and reliance on Me. Your faith has been in your work. Your faith has been in the productivity of your hands. I’m calling you to deep rest, faith and abiding in Me. I have given and established the principles of wealth creation (Deut. 8:18). They are this — seed, time and harvest. I have called you to plant the seed. I may call you to water and weed and take care of those places where the seed has been sown. But I Am calling you to give Me the time. Give Me the time.

Your Voice Is Your Occupation

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all Creation say, 
I’m worthy. I’m worthy of your attention, of your honor and praise. You are worthy. I placed that worth inside of you. I Am the one who makes you worthy. Receive it. Your acknowledgement and understanding of your worth is what allows you to pick up the commissioning I have given you and to go forward boldly in it. It’s not your skills. It’s not your perception of your preparation. It’s not your pedigree. It’s your understanding and acceptance, your acknowledgement of the worth, the value I have placed inside of you.

The Truth Is Resonating & Its Sound Is Piercing Hearts

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all truth say, 
The vibrations of truth are bellowing. They are equalizing. And they are quieting the sounds of opposing forces in the ears of the people. The resonance or frequency will bring with it a weight and a great quieting force. It will have the power to silence all opposition, and it will muzzle the mouths of even the loudest screeches and shriekers. The truth has a vibration. It has a resonance. And while it has been only affecting some, it will sustain the many. It will be food for the many.

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