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Compound Transitions Are Here — You Will Live One Life in Two Places

I heard the Spirit of the Living God from whom all blessings flow say, 
Transitions are here. Transitional moments of power for change are here. Even your transitions will transition. You will enter a transition believing it is a direct line — believing it is a settled point that leads linearly to the next. But you will find out is a compound transition that leads you to unexpected places, that gives you insights into things behind the scenes — provisions for seasons yet to come and evidence of battles already won.

Welcome to the New Age of Difference

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who leads us into all truth say, 
Truth will soar in the hearts of men. Truth will soar in the hearts of mankind. Truth will soar above them in beautiful, pristine, absolutely pure array, and it will cause many to marvel at the breathtaking brilliance of it all. Truth will soar as the plans of the enemy crumble, fall and fail. The juxtaposition of the beautiful breathtaking pure brilliance of truth together with the freedom that marks the truth will soar above all creation as the plans of the enemy crumble and decay, inert and unable to rise, unable to hold weight under pressure, unable to defend itself as it crumbles forgettable to the ground. But the truth will capture hearts.

The Lord Is Now Releasing the Best Gifts from His Father’s Heart

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all truth say, 
The choicest parts, the very best gifts come deep from within My Father’s heart. I have held them there and reserved them there until the right moment for you. This is the time of the release of the best gifts from My Father’s heart. All that has been desired, dreamt of and waited on is being released from where I have held it safe and secure as a perfect tightly held treasure in My heart. It’s being released to you now.

The Lord Is Replacing Unworthy Shepherds

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m choosing for Myself. I’m choosing instruments for Myself, for My service — ones I can use because of their posture of humility, willingness and readiness. I’m looking for and choosing ones like Isaiah who are ministering to Me and saying, here I Am Lord, send me. This is the time of the sent ones. I Am sending My servants who love Me and minister beautifully to Me with a pure heart and open hands.

Success Comes from the Secret Place

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Drop the conditions. Release your hands from clutching to demands. Release all of that. Just humble yourself and come before Me. Come on your knees, come with an open heart and open hands. Come with your head bowed and your mouth closed. Let My Presence be enough. Take your expectations off the table, and just sit here with Me. Dwell on My goodness. Ruminate on My faithfulness. Remember My miracles and My wonder working power. Will I not do it again? Will I not?

The Way Forward Is Low & Entwined As One With the Lord

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
You have chosen your path. You have chosen a good path. The way forward is low. The way forward is in great humility. The new path requires it. It doesn’t require you to get smaller — to make yourself smaller. It requires you to go low. There’s a difference. You are a giant in the spirit. You are. But still you can make it through these narrow places without making yourself smaller.

Seek the Lord First in This New Place & On This New Terrain

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I have been enough in the desert. I have been your Comforter, your Guide, your Confidant and your Provider in the desert. When everywhere you looked was desert, I was there with you — a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. I was there, guiding you, leading you through the indistinguishable, through the seemingly impossible to navigate, endless sands of the desert. I was enough. I have been enough. These are days of new terrain. You no longer have sand under your feet and in your shoes and covering you, marking you, constantly reminding you that you are in the desert.

Be A Shining Example of Full Freedom

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m at rest. My soul is at rest. I’m drawing you into a place of perfect rest in Me. It doesn’t mean that you don’t put your hand to the plow. It doesn’t mean that you don’t continue to advance. It means that you are moved by the light of My Son. You are moved by the wind of My Spirit. Rest in Me. Be at peace in Me.

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