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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 146
Psalm 147

“He sends out his orders throughout the world; his words run as swift messengers, bringing them to pass. He blankets the earth with glistening snow, painting the landscape with frost. Sleet and hail fall from the sky, causing waters to freeze before winter’s icy blast. Then he speaks his word and it all melts away; as the warm spring winds blow, the streams begin to flow. In the same way, he speaks his word to Jacob, and to Israel he brings his life-giving instruction.”

Psalms‬ ‭147:15-19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Lord says,
The trumpet blast of truth. Truth will ring out like a piercing, disruptive sound, and it will carry great distances. It will traverse land and sea, mountain and plain. It will ride upon the wind, and it will be disbursed to the peoples. The truth will be a clarion call. It will ring in the ears of the many and suddenly the lies will fall to the ground like ash. The power of the sound of the blast of truth will reverberate and resonate in the hearts of the peoples. It will be firm, immovable, unmanipulatable and without need for explanation. It will simply be. It will stand like a white pillar in their homes, in their minds, in their hearts. The truth, the clarion call, the piercing trumpet blast of truth will go out in an instant, and it will be received. It will not fall to the ground.

“You keep all your promises. You are the Creator of heaven’s glory, earth’s grandeur, and the ocean’s greatness. The oppressed get justice with you. The hungry are satisfied with you. Prisoners find their freedom with you. You open the eyes of the blind, and you fully restore those bent over with shame. You love those who love and honor you. You watch over strangers and immigrants and support the fatherless and widows. But you subvert the plans of the ungodly. Lord, you will reign forever! Zion’s God will rule throughout time and eternity! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!”

Psalms‬ ‭146:6-10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The lies will fall off of eyes like scales. The lies will poof out of ears like little explosions. The truth will stand, and the lies will disintegrate. The lies will fall. The lies will be no longer of form and substance. The lies will be as heaps of ashes of the reality that once was. The truth will resound like a redemption call. The truth will resound like a rescue mission. The truth will resound like a great heavy weight that must be acknowledged. The truth will break many hearts, but many hearts need to be broken. It will break the shells and the iron casings from around these hearts that had become like stone. It will pierce them with light, and it will allow them to be one with the light. The truth must break hearts, so they can beat again, so they can exist in this world where the truth is what reigns and stands. The truth will carry on the airwaves. It will escape as if a bird from a cage, and it will not return. It will not be shut in, shut up or shut down any longer. It will not be covered up, silenced or put away. Truth will not be swept over or hidden from view any longer.

“Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! How beautiful it is when we sing our praises to the beautiful God, for praise makes you lovely before him and brings him great delight! Yahweh builds up Jerusalem; he gathers up the outcasts and brings them home. He heals the wounds of every shattered heart. He sets his stars in place, calling them all by their names. How great is our God! There’s absolutely nothing his power cannot accomplish, and he has infinite understanding of everything. Yahweh supports and strengthens the humble, but the ungodly will be brought down to the dust.”

Psalms‬ ‭147:1-6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

They will say, “the cat has been let out of the bag.” They will say, “oh how we stumbled backward when we heard the trumpet’s piercing sound of truth. Our hearts couldn’t believe it. Our ears couldn’t receive it. Our eyes could not perceive it. But we were pierced through as if with a sword. We fell to our knees and we cried out, Abba, Father. Help us. We are men and women of unclean lips and impure hearts. Help us. Cleanse us. Make us new again. Fashion us as if from new clay. Make us whole. Restore our sight. Restore our hearing. Make our hearts become flesh again.” And the piercing and the heartbreak will give way to sobs of laugher then pure, pure joy. The relief, the change, the freedom will come in like a flood. All because of the sound, the piercing sound of truth that trumpeted out and changed the world, changed the many.

How to Respond

  • Make the truth the only sound that is permitted in your life and body.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You. Thank You for seeing our condition as a nation and world. Thank You for seeing that we have been overcome and overwhelmed by lies. Pierce through the lies, and bring the sound of truth. Change our hearts, eyes, ears, lips and lives. Bring the gifts of repentance and revival, so that we might all live in true, real freedom.
  • Declare, the Lord is the Source of all truth. All things exist in Him and through Him and without Him nothing that exists would be. The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.
  • Decree, I am waiting and listening for the piercing trumpet sound of truth. I will be one who receives the truth without hesitation or equivocation. I wholeheartedly welcome the truth and the change it brings.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: The Communion of Lovers

And in 2021: Truth Will Be Exposed & Justice Will Be Served


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