Today’s Reading:
2 Peter 2:1-2,3
2 Peter 2:6-14
2 Peter 2:17-19
Romans 8:19
In the past there arose false prophets among God’s people, just as there will continue to be false teachers who will secretly infiltrate in your midst to divide you, bringing with them their destructive heresies. They will even deny the Master, who paid the price for them, bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow immoral lifestyles. Because of these corrupt false teachers, the way of truth will be slandered. They are only out for themselves, ready to exploit you for their own gain through their cunning arguments. Their condemnation has been a long time coming. But their destruction does not slumber or sit idly by, for it is sure to come.
2 Peter 2:1-3 TPT
I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
Rasin’ the dead back to life. Raisin’ the truth from the grave. The truth has been buried, and lies and false doctrines, doctrines of demons have been on parade. They have danced through the graveyard of truth as victorious ones, but they are demons with skeletons. Pastors have conducted funerals for, spoken last rites for and buried truth deep in the ground. Meanwhile they dance with demons. Meanwhile they parade as ones who live above the people. My shepherds were never made to live above the people, the sheep they were called to serve. I called them to get down in the muddy sheep fold with them and lead them into the way everlasting.
And don’t forget that he reduced to ashes the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, condemning them to ruin and destruction. God appointed them to be examples as to what is coming to the ungodly. Yet he rescued a righteous man, Lot, suffering the indignity of the unbridled lusts of the lawless. For righteous Lot lived among them day after day, distressed in his righteous soul by the rebellious deeds he saw and heard. If the Lord Yahweh rescued Lot, he knows how to continually rescue the godly from their trials and to reserve the ungodly for punishment on the day of judgment. And this especially applies to those who live their lives despising authorities and who abandon themselves to chasing the depraved lusts of their flesh. They are willfully arrogant and insolent, unafraid to insult the glorious ones. Yet even angels, who are greater than they in power and strength, do not dare slander them before the Lord. These individuals are nothing but brute beasts—irrational creatures, born in the wild to be caught and destroyed—and they will perish like beasts. They are professional insulters, who slander whatever they don’t understand, and in their destruction they will be destroyed. For all the evil they have done will come crashing down on them. They consider it their great pleasure to carouse in broad daylight. When they come to your love feasts they are but stains and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions as they feast with you. They are addicted to adultery, with eyes that are insatiable, with sins that never end. They seduce the vulnerable and are experts in their greed—they are but children of a curse!
2 Peter 2:6-14 TPT
It’s the pastors who strayed. How then can the sheep be expected to be in the right place? How then can the sheep know the proper placement of the boundary lines? I Am calling forth the Truth. I Am resurrecting the Truth in such an undeniable way that those who have masqueraded as shepherds, those who have called themselves pastors whose dance was with demons and whose mouths were filled with saccharine words that rot souls, will be exposed. They will be exposed as skeletons inhabited by demons, as hollow shells, vacant and obscene. And My glorious ones will rise. The true sons and daughters of God Most High will be revealed in this time. Creation will know who are the righteous sons of men.
These people are dried-up riverbeds, waterless clouds pushed along by stormy winds—the deepest darkness of gloom has been prepared for them. They spout off with their grandiose, impressive nonsense. Consumed with the lusts of the flesh, they lure back into sin those who recently escaped from their error. They promise others freedom, yet they themselves are slaves to corruption, for people are slaves to whatever overcomes them.
2 Peter 2:17-19 TPT
This is a time of exposure of corruption and deep betrayal. This is a time of the revealing of treason in the Church. Walk with Me. Stay close to Me. The shaking will come, and the demons — the ones who dance with demons, who parade as skeletons filled with demons will be exposed. And a time of decision will be before the True Church. Will you arise and chase out the false shepherds? Or will you let the decay, the rot, the treason remain? An undeniable exposure, display and moment of weighty decision is upon you Church.
How to Respond
- Pray, Lord purify my heart and my eyes. Help me to see things as You see them. I don’t want to be deceived or found making excuses for church leaders who dance with demons and lead Your little ones astray. I want to be found standing firmly on the Rock of Christ Jesus, immovable and unyielding to false doctrine. Lord, prick the hearts of pastors who have strayed from the True Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom. For those who got off track, bring them back. Cause the True Church to rise in wisdom, discernment and in decisive action to drive out any leaders who are willfully and unrepentantly aligned with demons.
- Declare, Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. — Deuteronomy 6:4-9 NASB1995
- Decree, This is the time for the True Church to arise. This is the moment for the revealing of the sons and daughters of the Lord God Most High. Demonically aligned pastors will be exposed, and those who will not repent, we will drive out of the sheepfold. We will be ones whose compassion is for the sheep and for future generations. We will not tolerate demonic doctrines or leaders who dance with demons.
For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past: