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Today’s Readings:
Luke 19:28-40
Psalm 118

Psalm 147
Romans 1:16-2:8
Isaiah 55:6-13

12 For you will leave your exile with joy
and be led home wrapped in peace.
The mountains and hills in front of you will burst into singing
and the trees of the field will applaud!
13 Cypress trees will flourish where there were only thorns
and myrtle trees instead of nettles.
These will stand as a testimony to Yahweh’s renown,
everlasting signs that will not be cut off.

Isaiah 55:12-13

The Lord’s Triumphal Entry

The Lord says,
I Am coming in an unmistakable procession, and the world will know. All of creation will know — animals, plants and the earth itself will know that I have arrived on the scene. There will be shouts of joy and great celebration at the arrival of My Presence, at the arrival of Truth, at the arrival of Love, at the arrival of Peace. My procession will be marked by uncontainable joy. It’s time to lift your heads up. It’s time to lighten your hearts and let your face shine with the light of My Countenance. It’s time to shake off the dust of this battle, the weariness and the strain. It’s time to choose joy, to put a skip in your step and to posture yourself for a great celebration. For I Am here, I Am near, and a greater experience of Me, a greater awareness of Me, a greater revelation of Me, a thicker reality of Me is coming; and it will be a time of great nourishment, of spiritual downloads, of instantaneous healings, of miracles, and of life-altering encounters with Me.

Let joy burst forth from you. Be free. Let go. Fill your eyes with hope and expectation like a child. These are the Glory Days. We are entering the Glory Days, and they will require you to be different, lighter, less serious, less concerned with your to-do list and your schedule and more concerned with receiving from Me and ministering to Me. It will be a time of a great communion and ministry between you and Me, and this will supersede everything. This will be, and must be your priority, because time with Me will lead you into all wisdom. Time with Me will change your whole outlook. Time with Me will restore relationships. Time with Me will be the ultimate source of joy, of hope, of peace. Time with Me will restore your ability to trust in Me and to trust yourself — that you have truly heard from Me. It will rewire and reengineer your instincts, and it will make you whole again.

Take steps now to reduce the burdens in your life, to share them with Me, to rid yourself of anything you’re carrying that is not profitable for you. You need to lighten the load so you can run. We are moving into a joyous season. Shed the baggage, and free yourself to run.

Signs in the Earth

The Lord says,
I Am preparing the Earth for the arrival of My Manifest Presence, My Glory. You will see many signs and wonders in the earth, in nature, that reveal the earth’s discontent with it’s current ruler — the ruler of the air, the adversary, satan. The earth will shake and quake. It will split in places, and it will crash together in others. The enemy knows that I Am coming to make Myself known, and he is in full panic mode. He will do all he can to make the people miserable and cause them to live in fear. This is not of Me. I will bring judgement to the wicked, make no mistake. But many of the disasters and natural signs you will see in the earth are not from Me. They are from the enemy who is panicking and who knows that his time of dominion in this way is about up; so he is throwing the kitchen sink of chaos at the world, through the earth itself and through some people in an attempt to delay the inevitable and steal more for himself. He cannot delay Me. I Am God. I will move as I want and when I want; and he will be removed from the scene.

There will be great chaos and then My great shaking, and then it will be quiet. The earth will rest, and My Peace will settle on it. My Presence brings healing, light, purpose and meaning to life. And My Presence will be thick and powerful, felt and undeniable in those days, and those days aren’t far off.

So live a lifestyle of joy. Choose hope. Choose love. Choose to shake off the dust and the yuck from former seasons. Cleanse yourself. Fill your heart and mind and eyes and ears with great hope and expectation. The seasons are changing. They are shifting. Change is here.

How to Respond

  • Break off identities that you have taken on that are not of the Lord — stoicism, distrust, fear of man, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of not seeing the Lord’s promises fulfilled, fear of imperfection. Choose to break these off, to disassociate with these. And as you do, purposefully replace them with unbridled joy, with hope, with great expectation of good, with acceptance of imperfection and messiness, with love and childlike wonder.
  • Choose to walk in these new identities. Practice them until you internalize them, and they become new characteristics of your personality.
  • Walk with such love and joy and expectation that you leave a trail of hope in your wake.
  • Ask the Lord how you can rid yourself of the baggage of former seasons. Ask for His help in identifying and getting rid of these things. They don’t have a place where we are going.


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