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Today’s Readings:
John 3:14-21
Hebrews 10
Romans 12
Psalm 14-15
Isaiah 57:14-21

5 So when Jesus the Messiah came into the world he said,
“Since your ultimate desire was not another animal sacrifice,
you have clothed me with a body
that I might offer myself instead!
6 Multiple burnt offerings and sin-offerings
cannot satisfy your justice.
7 So I said to you, ‘God—
I will be the One to go and do your will,
to fulfill all that is written of me in your Word!’ ”

Hebrews 10:5-7

The Lord is Drawing the Prodigals to Himself

The Lord says,
I Am calling My wanderers back. I Am calling those who once loved Me back. I Am drawing them, singing to their very hearts now. And like a contrite child who understands that they have disobeyed and hurt their parent, they are drawing back to Me. They are drawing back in great humility and fervor. They are coming back sheepishly and tentatively with fear and trembling in their hearts but with a glimmer of hope. Like the prodigal son, they have forgotten or have always misunderstood My goodness. They have not had a revelation that I Am absolutely good. Of course I will take them back, and I Am receiving many back into My arms even now. Like a mother hen, I long to put them under My wing and nestle them close into My comfort and grace, provision and protection. I Am doing this even now.

This will look like lives wildly changed. This will look like families and futures and destines restored. This will look like a great assault on evil, on that adversary satan, who has planted tremendous deceptions into the hearts and minds and eyes and ears of My little ones. Yes, I Am drawing them back, beckoning them back even now. They may not understand or perceive that it is Me drawing them back. They will just understand with new eyes the failings of the lives lived without Me, in contradiction to Me, even in blatant opposition to Me. They will have their eyes opened, and they will see with clarity the works of their hands to support and promote evil. They will look with shame and disgust and deep pain on the lies they believed and promoted.

The beautiful thing about this process is that the wake up call is for good. It is for their good, and it is for once and for all. Soon they will breathe deeply without the heaviness in their hearts and on their shoulders. Soon they will not replay their mistakes as videos in their minds over and over again. Soon they will fully embrace My redemption, My love, My forgiveness and My Zoe life – life filled to the overflowing with the fullness of Me. Yes, and they will never go back to their wayward ways, to the way they used to be.

Radical Change Agents

The Lord says,
They will be steadfast, radical lovers. They will be wild warriors for truth, bearing the torch of My truth, bearing with loud and powerful voices of conviction that I Alone Am the One True God and that Jesus Alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life, that Jesus Alone is the way to Me, that We are absolutely good, and that We desire full, deep, intimate, pure, uninterrupted relationship and communion with you.

Yes, these are My next generation of wild revivalists like Smith Wigglesworth, JG Lake and Billy Graham. They will know My love so deeply and will have experienced the change of My forgiveness so undeniably — the profound impact and complete change it made in their life so powerfully — that it will imprint on their souls and their DNA forever. They will charge down every wanderer they can find, with a desperate plea to come home to Me. They will fill stadiums more than the biggest playoff football games. People will be packed outside of the stadium because it cannot fit them all. There will be massive screens set up on the outside of stadiums, because the there are not buildings or tents or arenas large enough to hold the people. There will be great meetings in the wilderness just as in the days of John the Baptist and Jesus; because that’s the only place that can hold all those who desire to hear and learn about Jesus, about the Pure, Full Gospel and have their lives changed forever.

Many Will Be Drawn

The Lord says,
They will see. They will taste. They will know that Jesus bore their sins, that he bore their transgressions, their failures, their sickness and that in the eyes of the Father, these were all blamed on Jesus. That is the point of the cross — that all of your sins, failures and sickness was put on the heart and the body and the mind of Jesus. He bore them purposefully to rescue His children from the grasp of the enemy, to rescue them back and restore them into communion and life with Him. This was His plan, His great rescue story, and people will be so hungry to hear it, to know it, and to experience Jesus’s wonder working power in their own lives that they will travel many miles and fill up large expanses of land, in fields and in deserts. This is what you will witness as I call My wanderers back.

I Am desperate with longing for My children to come home, to return from their wandering, to turn from their wicked ways, and to live in beautiful communion with Me. I have sent Holy Spirit as Guide, as Comfort, as the One who bestows all wisdom. Even now Holy Spirit is moving, and hovering, and causing many to awaken to their need of rescue and return. I have sent many angels to help with the gathering. This is a harvest like the world has never seen.

The Lord is Meeting with Many

The Lord says,
I Am taking many meetings. I have set many appointments, and I Am now having meetings. I Am meeting more frequently than ever with My prophets. I Am giving them great downloads and much insight into My heart, My plans, My will for the future.

I Am meeting with wicked leaders in the Church, and giving them a final warning.

I Am stirring up the hearts of My evangelists and giving them a ready message. Even now, I Am moving and aligning them for the Harvest. These teachers of the Pure Gospel are beautiful in My sight, and they will see a great great harvest.

But I will not tolerate any of those who are operating as “church leaders” for reasons other than the Pure and Full Gospel. I have no tolerance for them, and I will no longer tolerate their agendas or their words. I Am stripping those platforms, and I Am raising up uncompromising ones, ones who have uncompromised hearts with eyes for Me and a Heart for My people. This is a time of great removals and sweet sweet unexpected promotions.

My calendar is very full of appointments, and soon you will see the outcomes of those appointments .

How to Respond

  • Declare that the Lord is calling the prodigals home, and they are awakening to the truth and returning even today.
  • Declare by name the prodigals in your family and friend circles and that they are being drawn, and awakened by the Lord, and that they are on their way back to Him now.
  • Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send many more into the harvest fields.
  • Make yourself available to be a harvester.
  • Bless the Lord for His provision of faithful leaders, of faithful sons and daughters who can be trusted as we move into the Harvest Season.
  • Declare that this indeed is the Greatest Awakening, Greatest Revival, Greatest Move of God that the world has ever seen.
  • Worship. Stir up joy in your heart.
  • Watch for signs of the Harvest.


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