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Today’s Readings:
James 2:14-26
2 Corinthians 6:10-7:1
Psalm 146
Isaiah 33

20 Set your gaze on Zion,
the city where we gather for Yahweh’s feasts.
Your eyes will see Jerusalem as a quiet, pleasant place.
It is a secure dwelling, permanent and unmovable,
not like a tabernacle that must be taken down,
pegs pulled up, and transported.
21 Glorious Yahweh will be there for us
in a land with broad rivers and life-givingstreams,
where the hostile, majestic ships will not sail.
22 The Lord Yahweh is our Judge, our Lawgiver, and our King;
he will save us completely!

Isaiah 33:20-22

Stand Your Ground

The Lord says,
I Am here, through all the good times and all the bad times. I Am here with you. Such joy fills My heart, such pride swells within Me when I see you standing tall, standing firm. Don’t give up. Don’t relent. Don’t give in. Stand your ground. This is what it means to occupy. Forces will come against you, and many forces are coming against you even now. This is spiritual and psychological warfare that you are experiencing. Hold your ground. Be courageous. Fear not, for I Am with you. Be as stubborn, unmovable, as determined and unintimidatable as a bulldog. Tell the invading voices, the demands and the messengers of evil that no means no. Call them out. Call their bluff, and stand. See what I will do.

I will anoint and infuse you with peace, with power and with wisdom for these days. I will cause you to take the right step at the right moment. I Am reinforcing your spine with iron. Put a steel cage around your mind. Don’t allow your mind to be attacked, persuaded, deterred or weakened by the onslaught of voices vying for your acquiescence. This is war. Be on alert at all times, and stand. I will back you up as you stand for Me, as you stand for what’s right, as you stand for your own rights. What’s the key to dealing with intimating forces and tactics? Do not allow yourself to be intimidated. Don’t flinch, don’t squirm, don’t blink, and do not back up. Stand tall and don’t back down.

Be gracious to powerless messengers, but do not give an inch, and do not allow your compassion for their position to back you into a corner.

Keep your eyes on Me. Keep your ears attuned to My perfect pitch of truth. Allow the chaos, the rancor, the voices and the lies to fade into the background. You have no use for them. Mine is the only voice that matters.

Choose Joy. Choose Worship.

The Lord says,
Choose joy. It is so counter to circumstance. It is so counter to your default for this time. It’s so counter to the protective mode that you want your heart to be in, but choose joy. It is a weapon that confuses the enemy. Choose worship. This causes panic, confusion and self- destructive decisions to be taken in the camp of the enemy.

Operate in the opposite spirit to the ones you are experiencing — the ones who are party to the onslaught of oppression, lies, hypocrisy, and total disregard for personal liberties and the rule of law. Operate in the opposite spirit. Don’t panic. Don’t yell. Don’t lash out. Move with poise, with confidence, filled with the joy of the Lord. And say no to every single one of them from a stance of calm, decisive, immovable confident grace. Do it with a smile.

Love those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute you. Many situations and people require prayer these days. If ever there was a time to pray without ceasing, it is now. Fill your lamp with My oil of joy, and I will pour in wisdom onto it. Pray continually.

The Pressure is Mounting

The Lord says,
The reason things feel like they’re getting so much worse societally, the reason the voices are so loud and the parroting of talking points and narratives is so incessant, the reason division and fear are reigning is because I have brought great pressure to the scene, and the pressure is mounting. It’s invisible and untouchable, but it is perceivable. As I draw closer to the scene, the enemy is going completely mad. You can feel it. You can see that the insanity has taken over. I Am causing them to make their many mistakes, many missteps, many wrong choices, and many overreaches in the view of the people.

They will stumble, and some are even stumbling now, backpedaling and see-sawing in front of the people. These idiotic moves are starting to spark an opening in the minds of the people. It is causing them to begin to question. It is causing distrust of the so-called authorities, and the greater exposures will confirm it all. It will confirm the suspicions these missteps have allowed to enter into the minds of the people. The exposures will cause the people — the once obedient to the parroted narrative people — to turn on these liars, these wicked ones, these power mongers with a vengeance and fury not seen in America since the Revolutionary War. This is a fight for freedom. This is a fight for truth. This is a fight for righteousness, justice and honor to once again be exalted in the Land. This absolutely is a fight.

The enemy prowls around like a lion, seeking whom he can devour. He comes like a thief, looking to steal, kill and destroy. Be alert. Make no mistake, this is a spiritual war. But remember, I Am the Victorious One. I have never lost, and I never will. Press in. Hold on. Don’t back down. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.

How to Respond

  • Spend any extended time you can get with the Lord. Be steeped in His Presence, His truth, His Word and His instruction. Time with the Lord imparts peace and settles the mind.
  • Fill your ears, your mouth and your home with the sounds of worship.
  • Take a stand in the areas the Lord is calling you to stand. Don’t back down from your convictions under pressure.
  • Choose joy.
  • Respond to the onslaught with grace — from a place of peace and the joy of the Lord. Give a firm no to the demands and entreaties of the enemy.
  • Declare that the enemy is stumbling, that the wicked are making critical errors and that the tide is turning against them in a fierce and unexpected way.
  • Declare that America and her people belong to the Lord, and the enemy does not get to reign here any longer.
  • Declare that the wicked will be exposed and will fall, that justice will be served by the Hand of the Lord and that it has already begun.


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