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Today’s Readings:
Hebrews 12
John 3:1-21
Psalm 11
Isaiah 40

3 What can the righteous accomplish
when truth’s pillars are destroyed and law and order collapse?”
Yet Yahweh is never shaken
he is still found in his temple of holiness,
reigning as King Yahweh over all.
He closely watches and examines everything man does.
With a glance, his eyes examine every heart,
for his heavenly rule will prevail over all.

Psalm 11:3-4

The Lord is Bringing Healing to His People

The Lord says,
So much healing is needed — healing of bodies, healing of hearts, healing of relationships, healing of minds and identities, healing of perspectives. Many are walking around infirm — sick in their heart, mind, body or relationships. That hurt does get spread, and it does compound itself into greater hurt inside. I see the hurts of My people — heavy hearts, downcast eyes, racing thoughts and anxious chests. I Am moving with a great breath of healing wind. My breath will move on the wind and it will touch many hurt places. I will cause My oil of gladness to drip down onto many from Heaven, and this oil of gladness is joined by My wonder working healing balm. Many who have been broken, incapacitated, taken out of the game, unable to pull themselves out of a funk of depression, anxiety, hurt, pain, or fear will slide right out of all of these things and find themselves dripping with My oil of gladness, refreshed, healed and ready to run.

I Am binding up many of My broken ones who have gotten hurt along the way, who have lost their hope and whose faith has been dimmed along the way. I Am causing a great rejuvenation of mind, body and soul for those ones. Down and out no more! They will have a new identity. Their identity will now be one of zip and fervor. They will be full of energy and passion for Me and for the dreams I have revived in their hearts. I Am moving to bring great resuscitation and rejuvenation to many. These are being made new in Me again. If I can create a nation in a day, surely I can heal a person in much less time than that. Watch. Draw near to Me. If you are broken, hurting, weary and downcast in your soul, draw near to Me. Ask for My healing to be breathed into your life.

Welcome Joy In

The Lord says,
Allow joy to enter your heart. Don’t keep it out because you want to protect spaces in your heart. Allow joy in! Rejoice. Again I say rejoice! You are the apple of My eye. I desire for you to take pleasure in My Presence, to have days filled with enjoyment, fulfillment and abundant life. Let joy in. As you let joy in, you will pour it out on others. Don’t keep joy out. You need it, and the world needs it. Go ahead and live a life of joy and celebration. Troubles will come, and barring your heart from joy will not make the troubles easier to bear. In fact, it will make it more difficult. Choose joy. Choose laughter. Choose celebration. Let go of anything holding you back from that.

A Light of Exposure and Enlightenment

The Lord says,
I Am bringing great light — a great light of exposure, of understanding and enlightenment is traveling from the West to the East. It may seem slow and gradual, but it is moving in My perfect timing. This light of exposure and enlightenment is causing things to heat up. For those who love the truth, it is a most welcome, warming, glorious light.

For those who have lied, stolen and chosen the wicked path, it is a scorching, relentless heat that they cannot escape. They are like ants under a magnifying glass in the Arizona desert. They are miserable now, but soon the heat and intensity of the light will overtake them.

Why should you fear? Why should you have anxiety in your heart? These ones who are operating in such wickedness are indeed like ants to Me. They are powerless against Me. Whom or what shall you fear? You have chosen the good side. You have chosen the only victorious side. You have chosen Me.

Get your hopes up. Justice is coming. A wave of justice will spread from the West to the East. It will cause much uncertainty. It will cause many stomachs to turn because of the discoveries that the light uncovers. But this justice brings with it a great and definitive peace for those who are in Me. Even those who are not yet in Me and those who are seeking to find Me will have a great foretaste of the peace I offer.

How to Respond

  • Choose joy.
  • Choose to live a lifestyle of joy and celebration.
  • Don’t hide your heart from joy.
  • If you are among those who are hurting, broken or downcast, ask the Lord to breathe healing and fresh life into you today.
  • After you do, activate your healing with some act of celebration. Do something – even small – that celebrates a total renewal of your life. Ask the Lord what that might be. (Hint: it will be something that brings you joy!)
  • Declare that the Lord is moving in exposure, justice and peace.
  • Declare that the Lord has already won the victory and that the wicked will soon be rendered powerless.
  • Declare that anxiety, stress and fear have no place with you.
  • Declare that you are a child of the Most High King, and you live in perfect peace, filled with hope, faith and love.


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