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Today’s Readings:
Romans 8
Luke 12:35-40
Ephesians 3:14-4:25
Isaiah 61

14 The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. 15 And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,”enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” 16 For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!”

Romans 8:14-16

The Lord is Pouring Out Grace on the Faithful

The Lord says,
I see My faithful ones. They are strong. They are bold. They are standing, and they are growing in number. Many are returning to Me as the foundation and the anchor upon which they build their life, their values, their future. I Am the only sure and solid foundation. And My faithful ones are building on Me even now.

They are building on Me, and they are blooming into ones who are very beautiful and fruitful, fragrant and pleasing to Me — in season and out of season. These I am filling with My grace. I Am pouring and have poured My grace out on their lives to take major risks. My grace has equipped them to make major changes, to turn in unforeseen directions, and to go at a moment’s notice. This is life in My Spirit, and this is a season of many unforeseen, uncalculated, unplanned sudden changes, sudden moves, sudden decisions that are made by hearts who are synced up closely to Mine. It will feel like it does as the rollercoaster hits its peak and you begin to fall. You will have that feeling of exhilaration and contained uncertainty. But your heart, your gut will l be anchored in Me and know that the decision is right, that the move is right — even though it never occurred to you before, even though you’ve made no plans in that direction, even though through earthly eyes it does not make sense as the logical next step.

These faithful ones making big changes — the ones covered in the oil of My grace — will be marked by peace in this time of major shifts, turns and changes. It will be hectic and to those looking on, who are not making these decisions, it may seem irrational. It may seem poorly thought out. It may seem rushed. But I Am setting up many for unexpected changes of course, unplanned shifts, and untraveled roads. My faithful ones, the ones who I have poured My grace on to move with My Spirit will be able to pop like popcorn into the next season. It will look effortless, and it will seem like in an instant they became something different.

Choose to Trust the Lord

The Lord says,
Choose trust. While your heart may know that the move I call for is right, is true, is from Me, your stomach may still do flips. The magnitude of the change I call for will still cause some nervousness. It will cause uncertainty and disorientation to your mind, to your ability to plan, and it will muddy your vision for the future for a time. But step out when you hear My voice. Move with My Spirit. This is about to be a wild adventure that leads to unexpected joy, that meets unrealized desires of your heart, and serves My purposes and the lives of many. It will be a move that brings great personal increase and great increase to the Body of Christ. So move when I say move, and trust that You heard it from Me. I will give confirmations. I will bring the reassurance and the anchored feeling of certainty of spirit amidst the uncertainty of reasoning.

How to Respond

  • Get rid of distractions, clutter and mindless uses of time.
  • Purify your heart and your life before the Lord.
  • Seek the Lord’s heart and face for your future and your family.
  • Make sure that the Lord is the firm foundation upon which you are building.
  • Position yourself to move with His Spirit and to change course at the sound of His voice.
  • Declare that adventure in the Lord is coming, and it will bring great change, joy and increase to your family and the Body of Christ.


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