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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 19
Psalm 24
Isaiah 14:1-23

3 Who, then, is allowed to ascend the mountain of Yahweh?
And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place?
4 Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure,
whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth,
those who never deceive, whose words are sure.
5 They will receive Yahweh’s blessing
and righteousness given by the Savior-God.
6 They will stand before God,
for they seek the pleasure of God’s face, the God of Jacob.
Pause in his presence

Psalm 24:3-6

Consecrate Yourself

The Lord says,
Consecrate yourself. Strip from yourself – from your heart, your mind and your surroundings all that does not serve you. Strip off and discard all of the thoughts, the mindsets, the habits, the thoughtless phrases that do not reflect My holiness and do not reflect your position as a child of the Most High God. Purify yourself. Ask Me to help you return to innocence. Ask Me to restore purity to your eyes, your ears, your mind, heart and mouth. Cleanse yourself from all unrighteousness. This is a time to be holy even as I Am holy. This is a time to return to purity. This is a time to cut away all that is not serving you as you serve Me. I Am calling you to holiness, to purity, to innocence, to a clean slate. I Am calling you to be people of clean hands and clean lips, clean thought lives and pure vision.

Restoration and rebuilding that happens from a place of purity, from a foundation and starting place of holiness can be trusted. It’s sure. It’s very important for the foundation that you lay in these days of rebuilding and in the days ahead of reconstituting — to be built with holy hands, pure motives and clean hearts, with trustworthy lips by people without spot, wrinkle or blemish. This is a call to purity and holiness. This is a call to innocence and foundational truths.

Complication Begets Corruption

The Lord says,
Complication begets corruption. This is a time for the pure and simple Gospel. This is a time for your yes to be yes and your no to be no. As you keep things simple — as concepts and beliefs are kept simple and aligned with the pure and simple Gospel — it will ring true. It will make a pure sound. It will not cause confusion or haziness in your mind and heart.

Simplicity does not lack depth.
It does not lack layers of meaning. But it is straightforward, and what you see is what you get. And what you say is who you are. Simple and straightforward rings true like a pure bell. You can trust it. And those who hear your words of simplicity will trust you. Simplicity shows there is nothing to hide. It is what it is, and it does what is says. Be this way, walk this way, walk this waysimply.

Complication begets corruption and complexity lends itself to arrogance, to a desire to impress, and to hiding the truth. Be straightforward and simple. It is what it is. Period.

Healing Comes with the Truth

The Lord says,
Healing comes with the truth. The truth comes from Me. It comes from a pure report. Faith comes by hearing. And hearing comes by the Word of God. The Truth of the Word must be heard first in order to be felt – to resonate in the heart of a person. The truth is simple. I Am Truth and My Spirit will lead you into all truth.

The Bulldozer of Truth

The Lord says,
I Am driving a bulldozer of truth from the West to the East in this country and beyond. Truth will be an undeniable, unstoppable force of reckoning in the land. It is heavy, and it is simple. The lies are complicated. The truth is simple. Watch as you see what was stolen and lied about be uncovered.

Watch as I raise those who speak the truth clearly, simply, without hesitation and without fear of consequence. I will raise them higher and higher on platforms. These are My trustworthy ones, and these I Am elevating even now. Their voices are increasing in volume, and the sound of their voices will be heard by wider and wider and wider audiences. The truth will be told simply. And the spiders’ webs of lies will be sliced clean through by the truth.

My Word is a hammer. And my gavel of justice will bang clearly on these matters of lies, theft, corruption, abuse. Those who have called themselves servants but have acted as tyrants will be pulled down from their platforms by their skirts and trousers. They will be exposed for what they truly are and for what they have truly done. These will be seen by all – far and wide. My bulldozer of truth and My gavel of justice are on the scene, and they will not be denied.

The truth is marching on. It’s marching onto the scene, and it will not be deterred. Many soldiers of truth are marching and their voices will be heard. I Am even now ripping the muzzles from their mouths. It’s like the truth has been taped shut, but I Am ripping the duct tape from the mouths of those who will speak the truth. And they will give up everything. They will divulge everything until the truth is emptied out in the presence of all. One by one they will spill their guts – bringing truth onto the scene.

How to Respond

  • Be on the side of truth.
  • Ask for wisdom and discernment.
  • Purify your heart, mind, ears and mouth.
  • Ask the Lord to help you return to child-like innocence.
  • Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
  • Ask the Lord to help you see truth and speak the truth clearly, simply and plainly.
  • Declare that the Lord is bringing truth and delivering justice for our country and the nations of the world.
  • Declare that the Lord is exposing those who have done evil against the nation and the people and have hidden it through lies and corruption.


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