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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 8
Isaiah 55:1-56:8

3 Look at the splendor of your skies,
your creative genius glowing in the heavens.
When I gaze at your moon and your stars,
mounted like jewels in their settings,
I know you are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all!
But I have to ask this question:
4 Why would you bother with puny, mortal man
or care about human beings?
5 Yet what honor you have given to men,
created only a little lower than Elohim,
crowned with glory and magnificence.

Psalm 8:3-5

Recharge in Nature — Make it a Priority

The Lord says,
Get to a place where you can enjoy and take in the simple pleasures of life — sunset on the beach, a quiet walk in the woods, a bike ride by a lake. Unplug and get outside. Make time in nature a priority. It will refresh your mind, body and soul. Breathe in fresh clean air. Do something for the enjoyment of it and not because it accomplishes something on your list. Get into a rhythm of pursuing recharge and pleasure in your life. Put some distance between yourself and the strains and the pains and the difficulties and the decisions; and just get outside to enjoy and recharge. It will clear out your crowded and jumbled mind. It will breathe life into your lungs and bring refreshing to your soul. Make pleasure in nature and the simple things a priority. Stop white knuckling your life. Let go a little bit. Step back a little bit. Breathe deeper for a little bit. Loosen your jaw, relax your shoulders, soften your gaze for a little bit.

Find happy songs that make you smile and laugh and wiggle and even dance. Restore the levity to your life. Give your life an infusion of ease and enjoyment. Don’t make it all about work. Don’t stay focused on all of the hard things in your own life and in the world around you. Purpose to find pleasure and enjoyment. Then you will have a better mindset to be able to take one step and then the next.

I have been encouraging you to come up higher. And yes, this is an easier place to live. It takes mental discipline and the choice to come up here. One way you can get up here is through going outside. Be reminded of the beauty and the majesty of all that I’ve created for you to enjoy. As you make these connections in nature, the natural place for you to go to live is up higher. Time in nature, in My creation is an easy on ramp to up higher living. It changes your perspective and refreshes your soul. Don’t shun it for your to-do list. You will get more done with ease from a place of being refreshed. That’s a fact.

6 And to the foreigners who join themselves to Yahweh
to worship him, those who want to be his servants
and love the name of Yahweh—
all who honor the Sabbath and do not disregard it,
and who remain true to my covenant—I make this promise:
7 ‘I will welcome you into my holy mountain
and make you joyful in my house of prayer.
I will accept every sacrifice and offering
that you place on my altar,
for my house of worship will be known
as a house of prayer for all people.’”
8 The Lord God Almighty,
who brings home the outcasts of Israel, says,
“There are many others I will gather,
and I will add them to those who are already gathered.”

Isaiah 56:6-8

The Lord’s Kingdom Is Arriving

The Lord says,
I Am bringing Heaven to Earth. This is the time of My Kingdom coming to Earth. This is the time of My will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We are entering a season, a time in history, an era of great transformation, reformation and restoration. I Am establishing a more excellent way of operating, more excellent institutions, more excellent views of one’s self. I Am establishing excellence and great majesty, a far superior way of living, operating, governing and relating.

9 Yahweh, our Sovereign God,
your glory streams from the heavens above,
filling the earth with the majesty of your name!
People everywhere see your splendor!

Psalm 8:9

I Am establishing this on the Earth through the arrival of My Glory and a greater measure of revelation of Me — a measure that has not previously come to the Earth. I Am bringing it now and bestowing it now in this season, amongst this generation on the Earth. This is a time like no other. This is a time where My Glory comes with such thickness and power and love, that people fall on their faces and desire nothing but Me and purity in their own lives. The Earth has never witnessed anything like this. This is a Kingdom Movement. This is a Glory Movement. This is a Holiness Movement. No man shall be magnified in it. It will be only Me who gets the glory, the honor and the praise for My Movement. For I alone Am responsible, and I alone have done it. This is the Word of the Lord.

How to Respond

  • Make room in your week and schedule to spend time in nature — by yourself or with family and friends. Just get outside and seek enjoyment in God’s Creation.
  • Choose to let go of your to-do list at some point every week to seek fun outside.
  • Declare that the Lord is changing everything.
  • Declare that the Glory and the Presence of the Lord will change the world as we know it.
  • Declare that this is a season of transformation and holiness.
  • Worship the Lord and thank Him for His faithfulness.
  • Ask Him for a fresh vision of your purpose and for your future in this new and coming season.


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