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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 128
Psalm 130 - Psalm 131
Isaiah 41

8 “But you—my servant, Israel,
Jacob, whom I’ve chosen,
seed of my beloved friend Abraham—
9 I drew you to myself from the ends of the earth
and called you from its farthest corner.
I say to you:
‘You are my servant; I have chosen you.
I have not rejected you!
10 Do not yield to fear, for I am always near.
Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God.
I will infuse you with my strength
and help you in every situation.
I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.’

Isaiah 41:8-10

The Lord says,
Find the missing pieces you are looking for in Me. Find your satisfaction and your completion in Me. I Am waiting here to bring fulfillment and fullness into that space — into that gaping hole in your heart. I’m the only one who can plug that hole and seal it for good.

128 How joyous are those who love the Lord and bow low before God,
ready to obey him!
2 Your reward will be prosperity, happiness, and well-being.

Psalm 128:1-2

Delights can be found in Me. Adventure and exhilaration are found in Me. You don’t have to walk this out alone, and you don’t have to search forever. Come to Me. Connect your life and your future to Me.

Abandon and great joy are found in Me. Peace everlasting is found in Me. I Am the solution to every problem you face. Stop wandering around looking for connections and fulfillment and support from places and things and ones who are not Me. I Am the Source and Sustainer of all life. Look to Me.

7 O Israel, keep hoping, keep trusting,
and keep waiting on the Lord,
for he is tenderhearted, kind, and forgiving.
He has a thousand ways to set you free!

Psalm 130:7

Find rest in Me. Find seeds of hope planted by My hand in your heart. I Am with you, and I Am for you. Look up and choose Me. Your eternity is secure in Me. Your future is bright in Me. Your heart and your hopes are safe when they are anchored in Me. I alone am good. I alone am able. I alone can fill all of these spaces and solve every lingering question and problem. Trust in Me. Set your heart and your eyes and your life on Me. Grab ahold of My Hand and trust Me to walk with you and guide you with safe passage into this new place and new season filled with new life in Me.

3 O people of God, your time has come to quietly trust,
waiting upon the Lord now and forever.

Psalm 131:3

When you trust in Me, the pressure is off. The anxiety has no place, because I secure and watch over your future. Allow Me to take the pressure off, to remove the stress and anxiety and the fear. I know all, and I cause all things to work together for the good of those who are called according to My purposes. So be in Me, and find rest, hope, truth and purpose. I have many love songs written for you. Consider this a love song too. Trust Me. Rest in Me. Come up higher and sit with Me. This is the time and the day to secure your future and renew your heart, mind and hope. You can do it all in an instant in Me.

How to Respond

  • Choose the Lord, whether for the first time or as a renewal of your belief in and desire for Him.
  • Worship the Lord.
  • Give Him your cares, anxieties, questions, doubts, hopes and dreams.
  • Rest in Him. Allow Him to renew your spirit and revive your heart.
  • Put your future in His hands and ask Him to partner with you and walk with you into this new season.
  • Rejoice and ask the Lord to give you new vision, to renew your hope and to bring new adventure into your life.


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