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Today’s Readings:
2 Chronicles 7
Psalm 124-126
Isaiah 59

14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

The Lord says,
In order for the land to be healed, it must be plowed and turned over. It needs fresh exposure to the light of truth and the wind of My Spirit. The wind of My Spirit will be like oxygen to the land and its inhabitants. The light of truth will cause much awakening — a great awakening.

Just as a child or even an adult can wake up peaceful, excited, eager, grumpy, angry — or with many other emotions — so too will those awakened by the light of truth have many different responses to being awakened. The initial response is not the point. What the awakening activates and where they choose to dwell as a response to the truth will be what matters.

Just as I Am tilling the soil of the land and turning it over to stir an awakening, so I Am doing likewise in the hearts of many. I Am stirring hearts and causing anticipation to rise.

I Am preparing hearts to receive the shining of the truth and feel the wind of My Spirit. As they do, they will know that they are on solid ground. They will know that I Am their Rock and firm foundation. Though the world totters and shakes and sways unpredictability, they will know that they are safe in Me.

19 From the west to the lands of the rising sun,
the glory and the name of Yahweh
will be held in highest reverence,
for he will break in as a flooding, rushing river
driven on by the breath of Yahweh!
“He will come to Zion as a Kinsman-Redeemer
to those of Jacob’s tribes who repent of their rebellion,”
says Yahweh.

Isaiah 59:19-20

The truth and My Spirit will cause great waves. Waves of rebellion and distraction will rise up in opposition as well. For those not tuned to My voice, it will be a very confusing and disorienting time, but the waves of truth and the waves of My Spirit will engulf and defeat the waves of discord, distraction and rebellion. As the truth and My Spirit take these down, a great peace and calm will fall upon the land.

2–3 What if God had not been there for us?
Our enemies, in their violent anger,
would have swallowed us up alive!
4–5 The nations, with their flood of rage, would have swept us away,
and we would have drowned
and perished beneath their torrent of terror!

Psalm 124:2-5

For a moment it will be like the day after a funeral. There will be a great solemn attitude. There will be the feeling that much has been lost. There will be a heaviness of heart because of what has been revealed, and there will be anguish for what was unknowingly tolerated by many that led to great pain, torment and destruction.

It was like a dream come true
when you freed us from our bondage and brought us back to Zion!
2 We laughed and laughed and overflowed with gladness.
We were left shouting for joy and singing your praise.
All the nations saw it and joined in, saying,
“The Lord has done great miracles for them!”

Psalm 126:1-2

Then I will cause My joy to rise up in hearts. I will cause hope to arise. I will cause great faith for the future, for a holier, more pure future to arise. Those with firm footing on Me as their Rock and foundation will rise in wisdom and in stature and in prominence. They will rise, and they will guide the people. They will lead the people to repentance and to a return to righteousness. They will rise up and lead many great reforms of institutions and systems of governance, of financial systems and corporations. They will tear down and burn down many places — so called non-profits and so-called centers for health that were filthy homes to abominable and unthinkable deeds of destruction and death.

3 The wicked will not always rule over the godly,
provoking them to do what is evil.

Psalm 125:3

Reformers will rise, and they will clean the seeds and the food and water sources. They will clean the air and the land, and great health will return to the people. I Am pouring out vats upon vats of wisdom for these reformers who are standing on Me as their foundation. I Am pouring out this wisdom for them to literally change the world as we know it. They will be marked by wisdom, godliness and excellence. The fruit of My Spirit will be evident in their actions and speech. Great grace and favor will drip from them, and those who support them, know them, and work with them will be blessed.

Hold fast to My Word. Hold tightly to Me as your Anchor and Sustainer. Fill yourself with My Word, My ways and My truth.

How to Respond

  • Trust the Lord.
  • Hold firmly to the Lord and His Word amidst the uncertainty and even chaos.
  • Worship and wait – even as the storm rages.
  • Ask the Lord for a greater measure of wisdom and discernment.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving. He’s shining the light of truth and sending the wind of His Spirit on the earth and into hearts.
  • Declare that the Lord will overcome and destroy works of rebellion, discord and distraction.
  • Declare that the Lord is raising up reformers to lead the people to repentance, a return to righteousness and through great change.


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