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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 68
Isaiah 1:18-31

26 “I will restore deliverers as in former times
and your wise counselors as at the beginning.
Only then will you be called the Righteous City
and the Faithful City!”
27 Yes, Zion will be redeemed with justice
and her repentant converts with righteousness.
28 There will be a shattering of rebels and sinners together,
and those who forsake the Lord will be consumed.

Isaiah 1:26-28

The Lord says,
I’ve said it before. I will say it again. We are in Resurrection season. You will see what was counted as dead and gone as very much alive again. You will see risen dreams, answered prayers, the return of prodigals and once hopeless situations spring forth with power and abundant life. My Spirit will descend and be poured out on all flesh. None will escape the life giving touch of My love.

35 God, we are consumed with awe, trembling before you
as your glory streams from your Holy Place.
The God of power shares his mighty strength with Israel
and with all his people.
God, we give our highest praise to you!

Psalm 68:35

Truth will reign, proudly, powerfully and with great esteem before the people. Truth will be a pillar and a rallying point. Truth will be the place where the people gather to celebrate, to repent and to dance with joy. Hearts will overflow with gladness bubbling over. Eyes will be restored. Sight will be restored. Perception and discernment will be restored. Hearing truth and the sound of My voice will be restored.

I Am shaking out the old and setting the table for the new. The new day is upon us and is arriving even now. What is right is arriving, and it will become central to all. I Am changing definitions back to their rightful meaning. I Am wiping out these warped terms and their foul usage. I will restore words back to their proper meaning. What has become broken and bent to the left, bent to suit man’s aims over time, will be restored to its rightful straight, upright, correct place and proper meaning. We are moving into days where yes will mean yes and no will mean no again. We are moving into days of great transparency, clarity — one where plumb lines mean something, where boundaries mean something, where the buck does stop with each person.

27 Astonishingly, it’s the favored youth leading the way:
princes of praise in their royal robes
and exalted princes are among them,
along with princes who have wrestled with God.

Psalm 68:27

We are coming to days where the truth will stand victorious as a shining pillar for all to see and as a great reminder of from what depths and turmoil and muck we have come. These are the days of a great turning. A mighty turning toward what is right. Toward Me. Toward justice, faith and toward the rightful assumption of power and authority given by Jesus. These are the days of the true ones arising, as the new giants in the land. Giants of faith, not tyranny. They are great Spirit-filled warriors who move by My Spirit and wield the sword of My Spirit. They war and conquer with the prophecies they have received. They are now battle tested. They are now strong and mighty, fierce and fearless warriors. And they won’t back down. Be among them. Be counted among them.

23 For my people will be the conquerors;
they will soon have you under their feet.
They will crush you until there is nothing left!”

Psalm 68:23

Stand, war and advance. War with the prophecies you have received. War with the Word of My Holy Scripture. War with the faith you have in the vision I have given you for the future. Advance.

I Am shaking things even now, and the debris and the unworthy things are falling to the ground. All that will remain are the essentials and truth. Hear Me when I say, when I declare with My Mighty war cry, the truth will reign in victory. The truth will stand and all else will be laid bare. Hold on to the Me. Keep your eyes on Me. And don’t back down from the truth. Those on the side of truth are those who will celebrate great victory.

How to Respond

  • Trust in the Lord’s timing.
  • Trust that the Lord is doing what He said He would do.
  • Trust that the Lord has empowered you and equipped you to finish this leg of the race successfully.
  • Declare, the Lord is with Me, whom or what shalI I fear?
  • Declare, the truth will stand victorious when the Lord’s shaking is done.
  • Sit with the Lord and ask Him for a fresh vision of the future — one where truth reigns victorious.


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