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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 52
Psalm 82
Psalm 58

9 Break forth, shout joyfully together,
You waste places of Jerusalem;
For the Lord has comforted His people,
He has redeemed Jerusalem.
10 The Lord has bared His holy arm
In the sight of all the nations,
That all the ends of the earth may see
The salvation of our God.

Isaiah 52:9-10

The Lord says,
Justice. As far as the eye can see. Row after row after row of justice. Nowhere you look will you be able to miss justice. I the Lord love justice. I Am establishing justice, and justice will fill the House. Justice will fill the Senate. Justice will permeate the Chambers. I Am rolling out the red carpet for justice, and justice will be seen by all. Justice will be admired by all and will be treated as royalty or a celebrity. Justice will be treated with respect, dignity and honor. Justice will be in the limelight. Justice will be clamored for and celebrated.

8 Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices,
They shout joyfully together;
For they will see with their own eyes
When the Lord restores Zion.

Isaiah 52:8

Justice is rising. Let your hope rise with her. Justice is quietly, stealthily rising, and she will emerge as strong, impenetrable and immovable. Her ascension and establishment will be noticed by the watchful, but those who have no reverence for justice, those who are focused on self, those busy with other cares will not see justice rising until she has reached her pinnacle. They will be late to see, to understand, to perceive and to acknowledge justice. But ALL WILL see her. She will rise like a phoenix from the ashes. She will rise with a great resurrection victory. She will rise, and no force of man or hell will stand against her; because I have established her, and I back her up.

82 God takes His stand in His own congregation;
He judges in the midst of the rulers.

Psalm 82:1

To those who have dismissed justice, those who have killed and buried justice, those whose false battle cry is justice, I say, tread very carefully. Because justice will rise, and her memory stretches farther back than you do. Nothing can escape her, manipulate her or wiggle away from her. Justice will have her way.

You say, where is mercy? What about mercy? I say, repent, bow. Mercy is there for the humble. Mercy is available. I alone mete out justice and mercy in perfect measure. Mercy will meet you as you humble yourself.

11 And men will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous;
Surely there is a God who judges on earth!”

Psalm 58:11

You have been riding a roller coaster of events, emotions and circumstances. The landing place for this roller coaster is justice. When you reach justice, you can get off of the roller coaster and stand on solid ground again. Your legs may wobble like sea legs, and you may hear the screams of those still on the wild ride. You may be disoriented and seeking stability; but you will be off of the roller coaster.

I Am moving for justice because it is in My character, because of the cries of My little ones, and because of those who have provoked Me. Justice will have her way, and justice will be THE way.

How to Respond

  • Fill your heart with gratitude. Sing songs of thanksgiving and victory.
  • Remind the Lord of the issues for which you are seeking justice at the personal, community, state, national and global levels.
  • Pray, Lord, you are so faithful. We thank You for being the God of justice. You alone are good. You alone are worthy, and you alone are capable of delivering the justice that the world so desperately needs. Thank you that you haven’t forgotten one wrong inflicted, and you are moving on behalf of your children to bring justice as far as the eye can see.
  • Declare, the Lord alone delivers justice and mercy in perfect measure. The Lord will do what He said He will do, and justice is coming for every situation in my life, family, community, nation and beyond. The Lord’s tidal wave of justice is imminent.


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