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Guard Your Heart
The Lord says,
Hearing comes from your heart. That is the wellspring of life that I speak to and from. You can feel the Joy of the Lord bubble up through your heart. It’s the place that peace spreads from. It’s the place that worship arises from. It’s a sacred place. Jesus has residence there. It’s up to you to keep your heart clean and pure. That’s what makes it inhabitable and allows for clear communication. This is a time to keep the airwaves of your heart cleared to hear from Me. There is so much noise that wants to congest and crowd the airspace of your heart. But I want it to be light and airy so that My voice can be heard at any moment. This is the place that My Glory will shine from. Just you wait and see. My Glory will shine through those close to Me. Through My lovers, like it did with Moses. What an evangelism tool that is – My Glory! People will be drawn to your purity and the magnetism of the tangible love of My Glory and My Presence in your life. This is a totally new phenomenon for the world to experience. To experience Me in walk around life. In daily life, in normal non-religious places, going about normal life. And some will be curious, and this is how many will be saved. In grocery stores in one on one encounters and conversations with you. Sometimes it might draw a crowd. 

This is why it’s critical to talk about the the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of My Testimony. Because these are the story of Jesus. These are the Full Gospel. And the power of transformation comes with acknowledgement of sin, recognition of Jesus as born of virgin, sent to this world to save the world, having lived a perfect life – unblemished as a human, that He died on a cross as substitutionary blood sacrifice. A perfect sacrifice and rose again three days later. And that by public acknowledgement of this, repentance of sins and asking Jesus for forgiveness and to take residence in your heart, lives are forever transformed. In a simple moment, with simple faith. It’s a beautiful thing. And this is My rescue mission. This is what this rescue mission is for. To transform lives and restore My people, My kids to Me and My Heart. 

Partner with Joy
The Lord says,
I AM healing hearts, raising hopes, stirring up joy. You can hear the drum beat of My movement. It’s like the whole world knows something is coming and they are all leaning forward to see what it is. I’m raising anticipation and and expectancy and getting people’s hopes up. Playgrounds will be safe again. Joy will be found easily again. Community and unity are returning. And it will be simple and without strife. It will be a thing of joy and easy pleasure. Joy is the best medicine. Joy rushes in to the hurting places and brings healing. Joy and unity are big solutions in this season. Find joy. Go out of your way to find and share and spread joy. There’s something so beautiful about the innocence and purity of joy. They are all interconnected.

Discipline vs. Religion
 There’s a difference between discipline and and being religious, or operating in a religious spirit. Discipline has a goal in mind – health, learning, building community, etc. Religion – operating from a place of religion is full of shoulds and is more focused on behavior than outcomes. Discipline is for outcomes. Religion is for appearance or to assuage guilt. It is not outcome oriented. It is focused on the surface. It never addresses the underlying issue. It doesn’t have a goal. 

How to Respond

  • Prophesy that the healers are here. That healing is here. It’s carried in the light of My countenance. And it will take so many forms. 
  • Declare restoration of families and the healing of hearts. 
  • Declare the return of right thinking, of seeing things clearly for what they are, the removal of the clouds that cloud vision and the shaking free of stopped up ears. That people can hear My voice and can hear Truth clearly. 
  • You can feel it, see it around you. Common sense is returning. People recognize much of the evil operating in the world. 
  • Declare justice . Declare peace. Declare prosperity and freedom.


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