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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 145

16 You open Your hand
And satisfy the desire of every living thing.
The Lord is righteous in all His ways
And kind in all His deeds.

Psalm 145:16-17

The Lord says,
Change is here. New is here. The positive cadence of new life is here. The page has turned, and this chapter is about advancing. It’s about receiving. It’s about fulfillment. It’s about seizing opportunities as they cross your path and making them your own. It’s about holy confidence. It’s about justice, and it is about forward progress. This is a time of action, of motion, of riding on the momentum. The season of waiting is done. The season of wilderness is past. This is a season of new, of building, of adventure, fulfillment and completion. This is a season of quickly tying up loose ends, of leaving the old behind and embracing the new. This is a season of adventure, of delight, of surprises and great leaps forward.

18 The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth.
19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
He will also hear their cry and will save them.

Psalm 145:18-19

This is not a typical season of activity. This is a season of unprecedented advances in your own life and of prayers long prayed coming to life. This is a season of excitement, rejoicing, celebration and heartfelt worship. This is a season of deeper and stronger community, of restored and refreshed friendships, of families reunited. It is a totally new day and a totally new season. We are marching steadily forward but with light hearts, with joy and with great expectation and the absolute release of all limitations. You will taste and see that I Am good. And Your lips will often declare My goodness — to your own soul, to your family, to your coworkers, to your friends, to your neighbors, to Your church. They will all hear about My goodness, My faithfulness from you. We are walking into days of great freedom, simplicity and purity.

6 Men shall speak of the power of Your awesome acts,
And I will tell of Your greatness.
7 They shall eagerly utter the memory of Your abundant goodness
And will shout joyfully of Your righteousness.

Psalm 145:6-7

Justice, truth, honor and righteousness will be restored to their rightful places of prominence in society. And My glory will shine from above onto the people and from within the people out onto the world around them. These are days of glory, change, quick and unexpected turnarounds, reversals, flips and U-turns. These are days where My warrior lovers steadily march forward and collect My gifts for them along the way as they advance and as they occupy. These are days of dreams coming true, and even greater things than this will happen to you.

How to Respond

  • Delight yourself in the Lord. Pursue Him and seek His heart for your life in this new chapter.
  • Make a practice of looking for the Lord’s goodness throughout your day and starting a contagious movement of acknowledging, sharing and celebrating the goodness of God.
  • Pray, Lord, help me to let go of this now past season and walk into the new one with You. Help me to embrace change and to seize the right opportunities that You put in my path. Fill me with Your energy, joy, glory and expectation. Help me to be one who rides on the momentum, advances and occupies.
  • Declare, the Lord is absolutely good. He has changed the season, and He is calling us to fresh expectation, to joy and to action.
  • Decree,
    I will taste and see that the Lord is good.
    I will declare the goodness of the Lord as it happens in my life.
    I will receive and seize opportunities that bring life, energy and destiny.
    I will not linger in the past or in unbelief.
    I will walk confidently with the Lord into the days of adventure, freedom and change He has ordained.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day one year ago: The Lord Is Bringing Healing & Justice.


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