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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 35

35 The wilderness and the desert will be glad,
And the Arabah will rejoice and blossom;
Like the crocus
2 It will blossom profusely
And rejoice with rejoicing and shout of joy.
The glory of Lebanon will be given to it,
The majesty of Carmel and Sharon.
They will see the glory of the Lord,
The majesty of our God.
3 Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble.
4 Say to those with anxious heart,
“Take courage, fear not.
Behold, your God will come with vengeance;
The recompense of God will come,
But He will save you.”

Isaiah 35:1-4

The Spirit of the Lord says,
Resurrection. Joy is breaking through the darkness, the heaviness and the weight. Joy is bursting forth like unruly patches of grass on dry barren soil. Joy is bursting forth unexpectedly bringing fresh, sweet smelling life. Truth is sprouting up from beneath the surface. Truth that seemed dead, buried and gone is resurfacing in undeniable colorful life. It is sprouting up like grass in the springtime. Though those who hate the truth, those who have lied and worked so hard to conceal, kill and bury the truth may run around panicked, trying to destroy the fresh evidence of truth, it will sprout up all around them like a vibrant merciless field of thick rapidly growing grass in the springtime.

5 Then the eyes of the blind will be opened
And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped.
6 Then the lame will leap like a deer,
And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy.
For waters will break forth in the wilderness
And streams in the Arabah.
7 The scorched land will become a pool
And the thirsty ground springs of water;
In the haunt of jackals, its resting place,
Grass becomes reeds and rushes.

Isaiah 35:5-7

The truth is marvelous, and it will be viewed by many as a marvelous sight to behold. It will strike fear in the heart of many others, even as they run for shelter from the glorious rain of My Spirit that is bringing truth back to life. The light of My glory, the light of the Source of all truth will encourage more and more truth to spring forth. It will be like the land that was once dry, barren and desolate with nothing alive in it as far as the eye can see has turned seemingly overnight — at least over the span of three days — into a wildly overgrown field in response to the rain of My Spirit and the light of My glory.

I will cause truth to spring forth in the barren waste places. It will bring great relief and joy to many hearts. It will bring confusion and shock to many others. It will strike fear in the hearts of those who concealed, lied and desperately tried to kill and bury the truth.

8 A highway will be there, a roadway,
And it will be called the Highway of Holiness.
The unclean will not travel on it,
But it will be for him who walks that way,
And fools will not wander on it.
9 No lion will be there,
Nor will any vicious beast go up on it;
These will not be found there.
But the redeemed will walk there,
10 And the ransomed of the Lord will return
And come with joyful shouting to Zion,
With everlasting joy upon their heads.
They will find gladness and joy,
And sorrow and sighing will flee away.

Isaiah 35:8-10

My grace is here today for the resurrection of truth. My grace is here today for boldness in hearts who will step forward with truth. My grace is here today for reviving, refreshing and healing hearts that have been dried and parched from extended time in the desert place. My grace is here for truth, boldness, healing, life, exposure and change. Get into the slipstream of My grace and receive generously what you need. I Am pouring out truth. I Am restoring joy, hope and vision for abundant life. I Am pouring out My Spirit, and the resurrection of truth will be the response.

How to Respond

  • Lean in. Press in to the Lord’s heart in this time. He will guide you in all truth.
  • Pray, Lord give me eyes to see and ears to hear the truth. Let me not shun the truth or respond in disbelief. Help me to walk in the light of your truth. Help me to be one who only speaks the truth, one who has only truth in the innermost parts, and one who is a beautiful reflection of Your truth — which is the only truth.
  • Declare, The Lord is pouring out His Spirit and the response will be a great resurrection of truth.
  • Decree, I stand on the side of truth. I will boldly support those who come forth and bring truth. I will see truth cover the land as wild grass covers a field in springtime.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day one year ago: Fear Not.


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