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Today’s Reading:
Deuteronomy 11

7 but your own eyes have seen all the great work of the Lord which He did. 8 “You shall therefore keep every commandment which I am commanding you today, so that you may be strong and go in and possess the land into which you are about to cross to possess it; 9 so that you may prolong your days on the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give to them and to their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Deuteronomy 11:7-9

The Spirit of the Lord says,
I Am a limitless God. Shake off your unbelief. Your unbelief doesn’t limit what I can do. It limits what you can receive. Shake it off. Refuse it. Reject it. Banish it from your presence, so you can receive all that I have for you. Faith is the currency of Heaven. Unbelief is a slavery debt system. Unbelief keeps you enslaved to limitations, to conventional wisdom, to the laws and norms of man. Faith breaks every chain. Faith shatters every wall and every ceiling. Faith rolls out the red carpet for supernatural breakthrough, supernatural activity and supernatural living. This is a season where I will exceed every expectation. Your unbelief won’t constrain Me, but it will limit the size of your catch. It will limit the scope of your reward. It will limit what you can receive.

10 For the land, into which you are entering to possess it, is not like the land of Egypt from which you came, where you used to sow your seed and water it with your foot like a vegetable garden.11 But the land into which you are about to cross to possess it, a land of hills and valleys, drinks water from the rain of heaven, 12 a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning even to the end of the year. 13 “It shall come about, if you listen obediently to my commandments which I am commanding you today, to love the Lord your God and to serve Him with all your heart and all your soul, 14 that He will give the rain for your land in its season, the early and late rain, that you may gather in your grain and your new wine and your oil. 15 He will give grass in your fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied.

Deuteronomy 11:10-15

Build up your most holy faith. Rehearse My faithfulness. Fill yourself with thanksgiving, and get into a mindset and a heart-set — a heart posture that anything is possible, that NOTHING is impossible for the Lord your God who loves you and who redeemed you from the pit.

This is a season of Me breaking through and exceeding your wildest expectations. Put your heart and your mind in a posture of expectation, belief, faith and receptivity. Open wide your mind, your heart and your arms. Great gifts are incoming. Supernatural surprises are incoming. Cargo planes full of blessing and favor and supernatural breakthroughs are coming. This is a season of winning. This is a season of breakthrough. How much you receive does not depend on Me. It depends on you. Get your heart and your home right. Expand the cords of your tent and strengthen your tent pegs. Choose belief. Choose thanksgiving. Choose faith. Refuse unbelief. Refuse small mindedness. Refuse conventional wisdom and limitations. Refuse, absolutely, flatly refuse a poverty mindset. I Am the God of more than enough, of always more than enough.

16 Beware that your hearts are not deceived, and that you do not turn away and serve other gods and worship them. 17 Or the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you, and He will shut up the heavens so that there will be no rain and the ground will not yield its fruit; and you will perish quickly from the good land which the Lord is giving you.
“You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. 19 You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up. 20 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, 21 so that your days and the days of your sons may be multiplied on the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens remain above the earth.

Deuteronomy 11:16-21

Expect bigger. Expect bolder. Expect the unexpected. Expect surprises. Expect more. Choose faith. Determine to live in thanksgiving, hope and radiant expectation. Your cup will overflow. Your boat will be loaded down, and your net will not be able to hold all that I have stored up and prepared to be released to you. Rid yourself of unbelief, and position yourself for the catch of the ages. Live in faith. Walk by faith and not by sight, and you will be party to the catch of the ages. Your haul will stun, amaze, humble and boggle the mind. Set your heart and mind to only faith. Position your heart in expectation. My move is incoming.

How to Respond

  • Remind yourself of the faithfulness of the Lord. Rehearse His faithfulness in your life and His supernatural moves in the Scripture. Take every thought captive and make it bow down to the reality of Christ Jesus. Do not allow a place for unbelief.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. Bring Your mighty supernatural move of favor. Help me to be maximally positioned in openness, in belief, in faith and expectation. Help me to be relentless in weeding out the thoughts and established mindsets of unbelief and expectations of loss and failure. Help me to stir up my faith to arise and force unbelief to be banished from me.
  • Declare, the Lord’s move of blessing and supernatural breakthroughs is incoming.
  • Decree, I will be positioned in faith, expectation, hope and love. I will not allow unbelief in my camp. I am extending the cords of my tent and strengthening my tent pegs to receive the unfathomable supernatural favor, blessings, gifts and breakthroughs of the Lord in my life. I will not miss out on one thing He has for me. I will be positioned in faith to receive it all. My cup will wildly and abundantly overflow.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: Love Is Bringing the Great Awakening

And in 2021: The Lord’s Rescue is Near


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