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Today’s Reading: 
Isaiah 66

14 You shall see, and your heart shall rejoice;
your bones shall flourish like the grass;
and the hand of the Lord shall be known to his servants,
and he shall show his indignation against his enemies.

Isaiah 66:14

The Spirit of the Lord says,
My grace is shining on America. My truth is sprouting up from the ground. A flood of love is coming to pummel the Earth. A flood of love is coming to topple corrupt institutions and false doctrines. A flood of love is coming to clear the atmosphere like a spring rain. A flood of love is coming to wash out and clear the the filth and grime away. This love flood will swell and come from the Northeast, and it will rise and sweep across the land diagonally covering it all the way to Hawaii.

10 “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her,
all you who love her;
rejoice with her in joy,
all you who mourn over her;
11 that you may nurse and be satisfied
from her consoling breast;
that you may drink deeply with delight
from her glorious abundance.”[a]

Isaiah 66:10-11

Love swells are peaking now. They are peaking all over the nation, but My tremendous tidal wave, super-sized tsunami wave is building and growing. The fisherman will feel it first, will recognize the signs and will be struck by the glory of it firsthand. Just as the shepherds were the first to know about the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world, the fishermen will be the first to know about My love swell becoming a tremendously big, unfathomable tsunami wave of love mounting to flood America. The watershed from the flood will be gathered up and sent to many nations. It will be sent as proof of My love. People will try to bottle up relics and proof of this historic supernatural event for future generations. They will long to tell stories to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren yet to be born about the overwhelming, astounding love of their Creator — the Creator and Savior of the universe, King Jesus.

12 For thus says the Lord:
“Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river,
and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream;
and you shall nurse, you shall be carried upon her hip,
and bounced upon her knees.
13 As one whom his mother comforts,
so I will comfort you;
you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 66:12-13

My love flood is coming. It is swelling, and it will make landfall first in the Northeast. It will overwhelm America, and it will be shed abroad. It will be an outpouring, a supernatural event that draws the attention and captivates the hearts of the whole world. Many will be drawn to their knees. Many will lie down in worship. Many will dance in the rain of it, in the outpouring of My glory just as young children in a summer rain. It will mark a new day. It will mark a new way. Watch for My love flood to make landfall.

How to Respond

  • Pray, Lord thank You that You love us so much that You have made a way and You are preparing to flood America with Your love in a remarkable, historic, supernatural event.
  • Declare, the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness therein. The Lord is love, and everything about Him and from Him is absolutely good.
  • Decree, I will taste and see the love of the Lord poured out in a powerful, supernatural way in America. I will be part of the outpouring that leads to the revival of the ages. I and my family and my nation shall be saved.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: The Justice Roundtable Has Convened

And in 2021: Joy Is the Headline


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