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Today’s Reading: 
Proverbs 18
Psalm 115

“God, glorify your name! Yes, your name alone be glorified, not ours. For you are the one who loves us passionately, and you are faithful and true. Why should the unbelievers mock us, saying, “Where is this God of yours?” But we know our God rules from the heavens, and he takes delight in all that he does.”

Psalms‬ ‭115:1-3‬ ‭TPT‬

The Spirit of the Living God says,
Don’t doubt My faithfulness. Build yourself up in your most holy faith. Recount My faithfulness. Prepare your heart to see and receive what I Am about to do. Doubters won’t see it. You know I Am faithful. You know I never fail, and I never will. My mercies are new every morning. Shun doubt. Remove it from your heart. It only darkens it. Shine the light of truth on every smidge of doubt in your heart. The truth is that I Am faithful. The truth is I never leave you nor forsake you. The truth is, I Am the God of breakthrough. The truth is, I will make a way where there is no way. The truth is burning like a flame, and you can cause that flame to light into a burning roaring fire. Do that with your belief. Do that in the steadfast conviction that I will show up. I will follow through. I will not leave you as orphans. You know I have not.

“The character of God is a tower of strength, for the lovers of God delight to run into his heart and be exalted on high.”

Proverbs‬ ‭18:10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Run to My heart. Run to Me. I Am your strong tower. You will always find the truth inside of Me. You will always find the way inside of Me. And you will always find life more abundant inside of Me. These are days where I break down prison walls. These are days where you will see strongholds topple that few believed could ever be moved. These are days where victory will sprout up from the ground like blades of fresh grass. One day soon, everywhere you look, you will be surrounded by victory on all sides — victories so plentiful you will be unable to number or count them. It will be to the delight of many budding historians to try and capture them all for future generations. Though the truth seems to have gone dormant, though the truth from the outside may even appear to be dead, spring is coming. And the light of My countenance will cause truth to sprout forth in ways and volumes and numbers never fathomed, never seen — at a scale that will be very difficult to comprehend, at a scale that is too staggering to absorb.

“So trust in the Lord, all his people. For he is the only true hero, the wraparound God who is our shield! You, his priests, trust in the Lord. For he is the only true hero, God-wrapped-around-us as our shield. Yes, all his lovers who bow before him, trust in the Lord. For he is our only true hero, God-wrapped-around-us as our shield. The Lord will never forget us in our need; he will bless us indeed! He will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron, his priest. Yes! He will bless his devoted lovers who bow before him, no matter who they are. God himself will fill you with more. Blessings upon blessings will be heaped upon you and upon your children from the maker of heaven and earth, the very God who made you! The heavens belong to our God; they are his alone, but he has given us the earth and put us in charge.”

Psalms‬ ‭115:9-16‬ ‭TPT‬‬

You will see mountains move. You will see giants fall. Your job is to live in belief. Your job is to destroy and snuff out every shred of doubt in your heart, so you can joyfully say when it happens that you were among those who had faith. You were among those who believed the Lord would do what He said He would do. You were waiting in faith upon the Lord —- never stopping the work of your hands but always looking upward, always looking to the horizon with anticipation that I would in fact move. Be among the company of believers. Be among those whose joy is their faith and their strength is the Lord. Hope in Me never fails. Hope in Me. Believe in Me.

How to Respond

  • Ask the Lord to help you identify every place in your heart that doubt remains. Ask Him to help you replace that doubt with His truth. Make that a practice until the truth is victorious in your mind and heart.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. I want to be among the company of true believers. I want to be one who can look back and say, I waited in faith upon the Lord. I looked to the horizon and believed that the Lord would act — that His move of great power and strength would come. And I saw it with my own eyes. Lord, Help me to rid myself of all doubt. I want to be one who lives by faith and not by sight. I want to see victory sprouting up all around me as plentiful as blades of grass in the springtime. Help me get rid of my cynical attitude and my skeptical outlook. I want to be a follower of You who lives in faith and wonder.
  • Declare, Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. He is worthy. He is holy. He never lies, never leaves, never fails and never loses. He is the God of Angel Armies. He is the God of breakthrough, and He is the God who fights for us.
  • Decree, I will be found in the company of the faithful. I will walk by faith and not by sight. I will rid myself of doubt and cynicism because they are not from the Lord. I will see victory sprout up from the ground and surround me like blades of grass.
  • Consider getting the book Emotional Healing in Three Easy Steps to help with any unresolved emotional pain and trauma — no matter how small. Resolving those places of hurt helps you move into greater levels of faith. This book is a very short, drama free guide to do that. The steps are ones you can easily incorporate into everyday life.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: An Invitation to Live in Astonishment and Wonder at the Goodness and Faithfulness of the Lord
2022: We’re Moving into the Best Days


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