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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 33
Isaiah 41
2 Corinthians 12

“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to relieve me of this. But he answered me, “My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me. So I’m not defeated by my weakness, but delighted! For when I feel my weakness and endure mistreatment—when I’m surrounded with troubles on every side and face persecution because of my love for Christ—I am made yet stronger. For my weakness becomes a portal to God’s power.”

2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:8-10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God says,
My mercies are new every morning. You can find Me there in your weakness. You can find me standing strong in the midst of your weakness. I will carry you in those weak moments. You don’t have to walk alone. When you can’t walk I will carry you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. We are heading into turbulent times. It will try men’s souls. It will test their mettle. It will reveal the stuff of which they are made. It will reveal what they’ve been cultivating inside. It will reveal the source from which they derive their strength. Lean on Me, the Ancient of Days, and I will carry you through. My power is made perfect in your weakness.

““You who are far away, listen to what I have done, and you who draw near to me, acknowledge my power and strength! Sinners in Zion are afraid, and the godless are gripped with panic, saying, ‘Who can dwell with such an all-consuming fire? Who can live in the presence of the never-ending flame?’ Only those who walk with integrity and speak what is true, who despise even the thought of cheating the poor, and do not accept a bribe, nor plot violence, nor contemplate doing evil — they will live safely on the heights and make their safe place the mountain strongholds, with bread in steady supply and water assured.” In this high place, your eyes will see the king in his stunning beauty and gaze upon his broad domain.”

Isaiah‬ ‭33:13-17‬ ‭TPT‬‬

You don’t have to get it all right. But advance with the right spirit, with the right heart, with a clear conscience, pure hands and a pure mind. Who you are and who you are becoming as you walk through the fire and the storms of this turbulent period is more important to me than you getting every step right. I’m more concerned about your heart, the strength of your mind and your connection to Me than about anything else. Get those right, and I will get you where I want you to go. I will get you where you need to be, on time and in tact if you focus on purity, if you focus on taking every thought captive and being the one who disciplines their own mind and soul for the sake of purity and faith. Root out unbelief. Toss it out like a weed, and burn it up on the fire.

““But you—my servant, Israel, Jacob, whom I’ve chosen, seed of my beloved friend Abraham — I drew you to myself from the ends of the earth and called you from its farthest corner. I say to you: ‘You are my servant; I have chosen you. I have not rejected you! Do not yield to fear, for I am always near. Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God. I will infuse you with my strength and help you in every situation. I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.’”

Isaiah‬ ‭41:8-10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Steely eyes of faith are needed to see what I Am doing in this time, to truly grasp that I Am with you, walking you through this very stormy period. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I Am right here with you, holding you up with My righteous right hand. Keep moving forward in faith. Don’t give up, and don’t give in to doubt or unbelief. Those are the darts of the enemy that cause your heart to grow faint, your eyes to not see clearly and your knees to grow weak. Cast aside unbelief, and cling firmly, strongly, decisively and unwaveringly to the Cross of Jesus Christ, to the finished work of your Savior and King. Hold fast your grip to My righteous right hand, and we will walk through the fire and the storm together.

How to Respond

  • Choose quick obedience to the Lord. Make a point to take every thought captive, and make it bow in obedience to Christ Jesus. This stormy period is as much a battle for your mind as it is anything else.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You for being with me. Thank you for upholding me, for being the strength I need in times of weakness. Help me to fasten my gaze on You and live in purity and faith in this time where the whole world will be in turbulence and walking through the fire and the storm. Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me. I want to walk out of this fiery and stormy time of testing and change looking more like You and more potently carrying the fragrance of Heaven.
  • Declare, the Lord is the strength who holds me and the stronghold who shelters me. He is a tower of refuge and strength, a very present help in a time of trouble. He will walk with me and uphold me with His righteous right hand. If I stumble, He will be there to pick me up. He never leaves me nor forsakes me. He never fails, never lies, never loses. He is the ever-present, ever-available, ever-victorious God and King. He is my Savior, Jesus Christ. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised. All honor and glory are due to His Name — the Name above every name, and the Name at which every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
  • Decree, I will hold firmly to the hand of my Lord and Savior. I will walk through the fire and the storm and turbulence. I will be faithful to steel my mind and discipline it to agree only with what the Lord has said and is saying. I will not agree with doubt and unbelief. I will ruthlessly weed my mind of those. I will put on the full armor of God every single day, so I can be protected from and withstand the firey darts of the enemy. I will feel the solidity of my anchoring in Christ, even when the winds and the storm rage and the fire flares, because I am one who has built my life upon the Rock, and in Him I will not be moved.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: The Lord Is Charging the Courts
2022: Allow Praise to Transform Your Life


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