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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 97
Psalm 119

”Listen, you lovers of God! Hate evil, for God can keep you from wrong and protect you from the power of wickedness. For he sows seeds of light within his devoted lovers, and seeds of joy burst forth for the lovers of God!“

Psalms‬ ‭97‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God says,
Change is coming — change in your heart, change in what you see, change in your understanding. I Am lining up My accelerating grace upon you. And it will hold you in a channel of extremely accelerated grace. It will cause My great light to shine brightly through you, to reflect upon your face.

”I’ve chosen to obey your truth and walk in the splendor-light of all that you teach me. Lord, don’t allow me to make a mess of my life, for I cling to your commands and follow them as closely as I can. I will run after you with delight in my heart, for you will make me obedient to your instructions.“

Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭30‬-‭32‬ ‭TPT‬‬

If you feel like all you can see is where you have been, if you can’t see the path forward, turn around. You are facing the wrong way. Turn around to the future, and My accelerating grace will drive you quickly, extremely quickly forward. You are in this slipstream of accelerated grace. But facing the wrong direction will cause great heart sickness and disorientation. You must look forward and cooperate if you want your heart to be filled with joy unspeakable, if you want to comprehend the road ahead and be able to be filled with great anticipation for the place I Am bringing you. Facing any direction but forward will cause confusion, disorientation and heart sickness.

This is no place for comparisons. This is no place to be walking backwards as you look at the places you have been or even the place you were just one moment ago. It is time to face entirely forward and cooperate with Me. Walk forward in the flow of My accelerated grace. Your heart will leap out of your chest with joy and anticipation when you look forward and see with My vision about what’s ahead.

”Guide me into the paths that please you, for I take delight in all that you say. Cause my heart to bow before your words of wisdom and not to the wealth of this world. Help me turn my eyes away from illusions so that I pursue only that which is true; drench my soul with life as I walk in your paths. Reassure me of your promises, for I am your beloved, your servant who bows before you.“

Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭35‬-‭38‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Ask Me to change your perspective. Ask Me to show you what direction is forward. Ask me to reorient you in this new channel of accelerated grace. It may take some time to get your bearings. You may need to make a a physical move. You may need to make physical adjustments to position yourself onto the road ahead. When you are in position it will feel as though you are correctly oriented, as though I Am pushing you forward at a very accelerated speed, and you can see the road ahead. You have ceded the driver’s seat to Me. But you are an active participant, an active engaged parnter. When you are facing the right direction, when you are properly oriented, you will know because you will be filled with hope and anticipation rather than confusion and anxiety. Say yes. Get into position, and race forward with Me.

How to Respond

  • Ask the Lord to help you get into the correct position for the road ahead.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit help me move into proper position. Correct my perspective, and re-orient me to be in the slipstream of Your highly accelerating grace. I don’t want to be stuck looking to the past or comparing my journey and myself with others. I want to be faced in the direction You want me to go, partnering with You to get there as fast as You want me to go.
  • Declare, the Lord is shaking things up. He’s rearranging things and changing things. He is calling for a change in orientation, in perspective and in how we operate and move forward.
  • Decree, I will adjust my perspective and position and even physical location to get into alignment with the channel of accelerating grace that the Lord has for me. I will not remain looking to the past, and I will not compare myself to others. I will get into position, and I will move forward in joyful confidence and anticipation at where the Lord is moving me.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: Reel It In By Faith
2022: The Lord’s Refining Fire Will Destroy the Lies
2021: The Dawning of the Lord’s Move Is Nearly Here


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