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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 43
Isaiah 66
Matthew 3
Psalm 24

”My hand made these things so they all belong to me,” declares Yahweh. “But there is one my eyes are drawn to: the humble one, the tender one, the trembling one who lives in awe of all I say.”

Isaiah‬ ‭66‬:‭2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who rules and reigns forever say,
I have saved the choicest meat for you. The choicest morsel is for the one I choose to honor, bless and delight, and I have reserve that portion for you. Goodness is your portion. The fat of abundance is your portion, and a place of honor is your portion. The delight of your heart is on My mind. The lighting of your heart on fire with a powerful eruptive flame is on my heart. I see how the embers of your heart burn for Me, and I desire to light that flame with power. I desire to strike the match and blow on the embers from Heaven and cause a power eruption of love for Me to erupt forth from your heart.

I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert. Wild beasts, jackals, and owls will glorify me. For I supply streams of water in the desert and rivers in the wilderness to satisfy the thirst of my people, my chosen ones, so that you, whom I have shaped and formed for myself, will proclaim my praise.

Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The justification for sins is done. The end has been written. Now is the time where the hearts of the saints, My remnant warriors — those whose hands and hearts are pure, whose lips are free from deceit — it’s time for a fresh baptism of their hearts by fire that is done with such force and power that though types and shadows exist, nothing can compare to this. I have reserved this level of fire baptism for the generation who diligently seeks Me. I’ve reserved it for those for whom purity has meant leaving much behind and has meant a continual shedding, a continual cleansing, a continual pilgrimage to the place of purification. Many have been tumbled and tumbled by the heat and the stones. Many have been smoothed and have even felt like the heat and the tumbling off of rough edges would never end. And it won’t, but the pain of it and the reality of it won’t always feel so acute. It will be moved to a background reality, and for many of you it already has moved to that with occasional flare-ups of pain — as I cause you to see yourself, as I cause to you to come to a decision about how you will be, as I present these still undealt with corners in your life. But these have moved from a daily, continual reality to occasional momentary matters.

Those who repent I baptize with water, but there is coming a man after me who is more powerful than I. In fact, I’m not even worthy enough to pick up his sandals. He will submerge you into union with the Spirit of Holiness and with a raging fire!

Matthew‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I’m moving you to a new phase. This is the firing the clay phase. This is the permanent marking and sealing for use phase. This is the altar of consecration and baptism by fire phase. What I Am about to do in your life will mark you forever. You will never again be the way you were. You will from now forward be the new thing that I Am commissioning by fire. This is an eternal moment. This is a moment that you will look back at in awe and wonder, thanksgiving and astonishment for all of eternity. You will say, My King marked me as His. I was branded as a worthy vessel for honorable use in that fire. I Am my King’s, and He is mine.

How to Respond

  • Get low. Humble yourself before the Lord and submit to dealing with whatever He brings up in your heart.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You that the intense pain & reality of the purification process is moving from the foreground to the background. I’m overwhelmed that You would call me worthy, that You would call out as one You desire to honor and bless and delight. I don’t know what this new phase will mean or look like, but I don’t want to miss out on any of it. I want more of You Lord. I want to be permanently marked by You. I want Your fire from Heaven to baptize me and commission me as a worthy vessel.
  • Declare, He is the potter, and I am the clay. The Lord can deal with me as the potter does clay. I fully submit my life into His hands.
  • Decree, We are entering a new phase with the Lord. This is the phase of being marked and commissioned, branded and baptized by fire. I will not shrink back in fear. I will walk forward humbly with trembling and receive everything the Lord has for me in this phase. I will not resist or hesitate. I will walk forward in great reverence and expectation.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: Stay on the Narrow Path of Grace
2022: The Breeze of Hope Is Blowing In
2021: The Lord Is The Most High God, And He Is Ruling


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