Today’s Reading:
Psalm 23
Psalm 24
Psalm 25
Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss. That’s where he restores and revives my life. He opens before me the right path and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name.
Psalms 23:1-3 TPT
I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
Beautiful days are ahead. Be at rest in Me. Lay your head on My chest, and listen for My heart, My words. Move when I move, and say what I say. Days of striving have ceased. These are days of My abundant grace. These are days drenched and covered by My grace. Whom or what shall you fear? Not the days ahead nor those behind. Be at perfect peace. Be at rest in My Presence. I have taken us to a new time, and this is the place in between the old place and the new place, the old time and the new time. This is the threshold, the transition. And it is a place designed for rest and restoration, for recovery, renewal and a fresh level of sanctification.
Who, then, is allowed to ascend the mountain of Yahweh? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place? Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure. They will receive Yahweh’s blessing and righteousness given by the Savior-God. They will stand before God, for they seek the pleasure of God’s face, the God of Jacob. Pause in his presence
Psalms 24:3-6 TPT
Sanctify yourself, purify yourself before Me and come into this time and place I created for recovery and rest. Battles lie behind and different kinds of battles lie ahead. But this is a green zone of My peace, My rest. This is a zone where you get bathed in My grace to recover, to be restored and to be equipped, healed and refreshed for the days ahead. Don’t rush through this green zone. Don’t put more into your hands to do than I have given you. The rest is important. It is here that I will renew your strength and breathe fresh vision into your heart, mind and soul. I will bring old dreams to mind and blow new dreams in on My glorious breeze.
Who are they that live in the holy fear of Yahweh? You will show them the right path to take. Then prosperity and favor will be their portion, and their descendants will inherit the earth. There’s a private place reserved for the devoted lovers of Yahweh, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises.
Psalms 25:12-14 TPT
Don’t reject the rest. Don’t rush on ahead. Accept the gift of this transitional time of peace and super abundant grace, so you will be put back together stronger, more sure, more focused and more powerful for the days ahead. Those fights will come. Those beautiful days of warring for the hill country are near. But follow My lead. Rest in My Presence in this place of peace, in this time of pause carved out for your restoration, for refreshing, for being reminded of the old dreams and visions and excited and ignited by new ones. Embrace this place I have set you. Enjoy this pause and time of transition. The new day, and the new place — the other side of the threshold will come soon enough.
How to Respond
- Trust the Lord with the place He has you right now. Don’t rush ahead, and don’t take on more work or responsibility than He has placed in your hands.
- Pray, Holy Spirit thank You for this time and place set aside for rest, recovery, refreshing, for sanctification and for being drenched in Your grace. Help me rest in Your Presence here and soak up all that You have for me in this momentary time and place of transition between the past wars and the battles yet to come. I don’t want to rush out ahead of You.
- Declare, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. — Psalms 23:1-3 NASB1995
- Decree, I will not rush through this place of transition. I will not hurry the process of rest, restoration, refreshing and fresh impartation of vision. I will tarry in the Presence of the Lord and receive all He has for me. In this time and place, I will not get busy with work He hasn’t called me to do. I will embrace the rest, the refreshing, the purification, the strengthening and the dreaming He has appointed and provided for me in this place.
For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past: