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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 86-87
Luke 21:34-36
2 Timothy 2:20-26, 3

Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. The beasts of the field will glorify Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I have given waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My chosen people. The people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise.

Isaiah 43:19-21

A Way in the Desert

The Lord says,
I’m making a way in the desert. I Am causing a small but determined stream to form, and as it makes its way across the desert, I Am adding power and volume to it. What starts out as a small stream will gain a powerful rapid influx of water and become a mighty river. People look at that stream and they say, oh, it’s a sweet little stream, and as they stand there remarking on the quaintness of the stream, the flood of the river carves a much bigger path through. And they are knocked backwards by the power and with great surprise and awe that the mighty, tremendous river came from nowhere and was birthed in the desert – in a very dry place.

I Am the flood. I Am the stream, says the Lord. The stream is just what has been visible of Me, of My Presence in this time to the people. The flood represents My move, what I Am doing in the Earth, the arrival of My Presence in unexpected power, strength and volume. My Presence is flooding in, and it will knock many backwards – those seeking Me and those just standing by. And with My Presence, with My surprise arrival onto the scene, I Am also bringing a wave of exposure, a surge of information, a torrent of truth.

My Presence is coming to do what I desire to accomplish – which is to make Myself known, apparent and more real to the people, and to bring a mighty powerful wave of truth that is undeniable, unhideable, unexpected, and for which there is no mitigation plan.
Those with evil to hide, deeds to hide, lies to hide – they will have no contingency for this. They thought they owned the dry places and the dark places. Well, it will be a great and terrible surprise for them when they learn otherwise. I move as I will, where I will, when I will. And no demon in hell or plan of the enemy can stand against Me or My purposes. So I suggest they stand down.

A High Speed Train

The Lord says,
My move is also like a high speed freight train. It has left the station. Crossing the train’s path while it is moving at top speed, as it now is, will only bring peril to the one who tries.
The train is speeding at great speed and with great power, and it will not be stopped. In fact, it will not even slow down as it makes its deliveries, as it drops its its information packets at the intended points. There are no stops.

Bombs of Truth and Exposure

The Lord says,
I Am dropping My payload. It will start as small bombs or missiles in rapid succession. After a period of time with these rapidly dropped missiles of truth and exposure, I will drop the full payload – a massive bomb of exposure – that no one can escape, and from which the targets can not survive. For these, there is no political afterlife.

It will be grave. It will be serious. It will be sobering – all of these exposures, and the direct hit of all of these targets. And I will grow very beautiful things from the heaps of ashes. Once the ashes cool, once the dust settles, something very beautiful and fruitful and honorable and noble will grow from the the giant ash heap of the final payload.

Healing the Land

The Lord says,
And the rains will come. I will send My rains to clear away the ashes and rinse away the debris. And My people – My well-positioned warrior lovers are there on the scene. They will care for those who remain, those who are shell shocked. They will clear away the broken things and make way for rebuilding. My warrior lovers are going to operate in a FEMA like capacity – first, search and rescue, then survivor care, then clearing out the broken and destroyed pieces, then planning and making a way for rebuilding.

And there will be great healing in the land. Healed hearts, healed minds. Cleared vision, and ears to hear. I Am making a way in the desert. It looks like a desert now, but My train has left the station and has already reached top speed. I Am making a way where there is no way. I Am the God of the Impossible. Watch.

How to Respond

  • Ask the Lord to show You signs of His stream in the desert in the news and signs of this stream in promises that you have not seen fulfilled yet. Breakthrough is very near.
  • Sing songs about Zion and Jerusalem. Sing songs about the Promised Land and about America. The Lord is restoring this land and bringing with Him the fulfillment of many seemingly delayed promises.
  • Ask the Lord to give you insight into how He has you positioned for the response to the great exposure. Ask Him if there’s anything else you can do to be prepared to move when He says go.


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