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Psalm 73-76
Isaiah 5
Lamentations 5
Luke 8:10-15

20 In that day, neither the remnant of Israel nor the survivors of the house of Jacob will lean anymore upon the one who abused them, but they will lean fully on the faithfulness of the Lord Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel. 21 A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob’s tribes to the mighty God. 22 Though your people Israel were as many as the sand on the seashore, only a remnant will return. Destruction has been decreed, and it will be overflowing with righteousness. 23 For the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, will complete the destruction he has decreed upon the whole land. 24 So hear what the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, has to say: “My Zion-people, do not be gripped with fear over the Assyrians who oppress and abuse you, as the Egyptians did long ago. 25 After only a brief moment, I will end my indignation against you, and it will fall upon them to their destruction!” 26 The Lord Yahweh, who commands angel armies, will wield his whip against them, as when he struck Midian at the rock of Oreb. And once again he will raise his rod over the waters, as he did in Egypt. 27 In that day the Lord will remove the heavy burden from your shoulders and break off the yoke of bondage from your necks because of the heavy anointing upon you!

Isaiah 10:20-27

The Agenda of Darkness

The Lord says,
Covid is a tool of the enemy, but the bigger plans are infertility, a lack of ability to bear fruit — both spiritually and physically, the emasculation of men and the blurring of lines between the two genders, the breakdown of the family unit, the destruction of one’s ability to discern good vs. evil, the propagation of lawlessness, and the eating away of righteous truth. These are all plans of the enemy that have been expanding and accelerating, but I say his plans have reached their fullness; and I Am now going to move swiftly and unexpectedly bring them to an end.

My Spirit is here, hovering on the scene, going unnoticed by many. But it’s My Presence that is bringing peace. It is My Presence that is bringing relief to strained hearts and minds. It is My Presence that is bringing refreshing in the midst of this chaos and darkness, in the midst of these evil schemes that are playing out on the world stage. My Spirit is here, and I Am available to give you rest in the midst of this, to revive you in the midst of this. And soon, I will be pouring cold water on this whole dark agenda.

This dark agenda is at work attacking right minds, it’s attacking the ability to see things for what they are. It’s attacking the ability to hear and perceive truth. It’s hardening hearts and causing great division along manufactured, false lines. AND I AM ROARING STOP!!! My mighty roar will cause this evil dance to stop. And people will look up with confusion, not realizing that they have been participating in an evil dance. They will drop their hands and raise their eyes, and they will be doubled over with pain in their stomachs at the realization of the evil dance they have willingly participated in, that they have encouraged and invited and pushed and guilted others into joining. And there will be great great remorse all across the dance floor.

A New Song

The Lord says,
And I will bring a new sound. I will play a healing tune, a tune of restoration, a tune of cleansing. The filth and the evil, and the baggage connected to these dark deeds and dark dances will be swept off of the dance floor.
The people will move hesitantly at first. They will move slowly. They will still carry great remorse and brokenness in their hearts for their part. They will not see how to move forward. They will feel stuck and paralyzed by their choices made in ignorance, in blindness, in compliance. But I will bring a new song, a new sound that will ease the tension in their chests, that will free the strain of their shoulders and cause their jaws to unclench. They will still mourn. They will still be filled with anguish, but they will find some relief.

Then they will take tentative steps and learn a new dance. They will find joy at the sound of this new song. They will be flooded with light, and the relief of My Countenance will settle up on them and warm their faces, warm their heart, and I will begin a new work. I will raise them up from despair, from the ashes, from the recognition of deception, and I will heal their hearts and anoint their heads with My oil of restoration. As they are restored they will remember how to smile again. They will remember how to laugh again. They may carry this heaviness in their hearts for some time, for the depth of deception was great, and the dark dances caused much evil. But they will find restoration. They will find a way back to life in Me. They will find a way back to seeing truth and hearing truth again.

My Roar will be a very disorienting wake up call. Much confusion and disorientation will follow My Roar. My Roar will snap them out of it. My Roar will stop the dark dance, but My Roar will not bring immediate answers to all of the questions or immediate healing to all of the injuries. My Roar will open eyes to reality. Much work will have to be done to change and rectify reality, but I Am stopping the dark dance.

This is a heavy word, but it is to prepare you that there is not going to be resolution in a day. Can I change things in a day? Yes. Can I open eyes in a day, yes? But this is your mess to clean.
I Am providing a way out. I Am providing a way forward, and I Am raising up pure leaders of integrity to lead you forward. But it is not going to be an easy walk out. It will require work. It will require a lot of difficult decisions. It will require making decisions attuned to Me and My perfect guidance.

I Am beginning My Roar. The Earth has begun to shake and soon the sound of My Roar will reach you from across the plain.

How to Respond

  • Declare an end to the dark and evil agenda of the enemy in this country and in the world.
  • Declare that the Lord is faithful to bring justice and He will do what He said He would do — to end the reign of evil.
  • Repent on behalf of our nation for the evil we have allowed to gain control.
  • Repent on behalf of our nation for the lack of involvement in stopping evil and promoting a righteous agenda.
  • Ask the Lord to give you guidance for the days ahead.
  • Spend time in reverent and humble worship.
  • Pray for those in your life who are not yet walking with the Lord.
  • Thank the Lord for His rescue.


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