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Today’s Readings:
Luke 12:49-59
Romans 3:21-31
Mark 16
Isaiah 14:24-27
Isaiah 45:14-25

I have come to set the earth on fire. And how I long for every heart to be already ablaze with this fiery passion for God!

Luke 12:49

The Lord says,
Resurrection is on My mind. We are now entering a resurrection season. When is resurrection season? The Spring. Indeed the Spring Harvest is upon us. The Spring of Two Springs has arrived, and I Am moving in resurrection power. I Am moving to bring life to what looks like it is long past three days dead. I am moving like in the valley of dry bones. Even now hope is sprouting in the hearts of My lovers. It is sprouting in the hearts of those who love truth. It’s sprouting in the hearts of those who have despaired and yearned for the world to look different, righteous and pure again. I Am causing hope to sprout in those hearts in this hour.

A mighty shaking will herald the arrival of this resurrection. The earth will shake. A mighty earthquake (possibly 8.0 magnitude) will be a physical sign that the impact of My truth bomb is about to be felt.

I Am resurrecting things that the enemy thought he had fully stolen, killed, or destroyed. I Am resurrecting relationships. I Am resurrecting outcomes. I Am resurrecting the very foundations that this nation was built upon. I Am resurrecting careers that appeared lost. I Am resurrecting dreams that seemed long past their expiration date. Much will be resurrected in the wake of My move, in the wake of My truth, in the dawning of My Spring.

It will be a disorienting time, because so much is shaking loose. It will be a glorious and welcomed time, but it will also be one of great uncertainty and dis-ease. There will be many weeks of aftershocks in the wake of My massive bomb of truth and the outpouring of My resurrection power.

And My lovers will drop to their knees and draw even nearer to Me, their anchor and unshakable firm foundation. Those who don’t know Me, many who do not know Me, will be seeking frantically for Me, for truth, for something steady and true to hold onto. They will be repenting. They too will fall to their knees, and they will experience the great outpouring of My Presence. Many will find Me in those days. Many will find salvation, relief and forgiveness in those days, in the shaking.

I will fill many hearts with joy. As the shaking settles and people can stand again, they will realize that Spring has indeed arrived. They will realize that it is a a time for joy and celebration and worship. They will realize that it is time to clear out debris from the shaking. It’s time for a Spring Cleaning. There will be much joy and unity as people pursue the work of clearing out the debris and building new, holy, pure, lasting things where vile and corrupt, decaying things once stood. It will be a beautiful season, and My peace will cover the land.

I Am healing hearts in preparation for the shaking, and I Am sprouting hope in many hearts. This is a time where so much will be shaken, so much of what was believed as truth will be shaken, so much of what was accepted as reality will be shaken. It will be important and very helpful to go into the shaking with a healed heart and mind. Whole. Ask for My healing light to enter your heart and restore your heart and thinking. Ask Me to help you renew your mind and your thinking. Ask Me to restore your vision and your hearing, so that you can hear and see and perceive and welcome the truth when it comes. Because what is not obvious may be true. And what appears obvious may be shown to be a lie. Discernment will be important in the shaking. It will be very helpful in the shaking.

How to Respond

  • Declare that the days of the Lord’s Spring are here and that He is moving in resurrection power!
  • Stir up joy and hope in your heart.
  • Ask the Lord to show you how you can be ready. Do you need further healing, cleansing, restoration in your heart and mind? Do you need to mend any relationships or ask for forgiveness?
  • Watch in the news and in nature for signs of the shaking.


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