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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 46-47
Galatians 3
Isaiah 41:1-20

3 For the raging roar of stormy winds and crashing waves
cannot erode our faith in you.
Pause in his presence

Psalm 46:3

Live a Lifestyle of Joy

The Lord says,
Live a lifestyle of joy. Live a lifestyle above the storm and the waves of adversity. Live a lifestyle where circumstances don’t dictate your attitude, your personality or your character. That’s what I’m looking for. That’s what I’m calling for. That’s what I’m setting before you. Choose joy. Choose Me. Choose the more real reality of Me, of being seated in Heavenly Places, of your identity in Christ. Choose joy.

Don’t sink to the level of your circumstances. Don’t agree with the attitudes of the downcast and those in despair. Let your posture, your smile, your joy be contagious. Let your light so shine before men, that they can see that I Am your God. Live in joy. Choose joy. Be joy to those around you.

What does despair achieve? What does a bad attitude achieve? What does stress and anxiety achieve? What does a mindset of lack achieve? Absolutely nothing. It actually all works against you. It works against your body. It works against My favor. It works against your relationships, and it works against your ability to see opportunities and cast a fresh vision for the future. Shake it off. Shake it all off.

10 Surrender your anxiety.
Be still and realize that I am God.
I am God above all the nations,
and I am exalted throughout the whole earth.

Psalm 46:10

Choose joy. Choose hope. Choose to dream big dreams and to live out loud. This is a breakthrough season. This is a season where the depth of your faith in Me needs to break through your circumstances, break through your physical reality, and break through bad reports. Let your faith in Me be more real than all of these. Let My favor be your currency for entrance to places and dreams you never thought possible. My favor pays the tolls, opens the doors and causes the road to rise before you.

Be an example. Live in contagious joy.

4 God has a constantly flowing river whose sparkling streams
bring joy and delight to his people.
His river flows right through the city of God Most High,
into his holy dwelling places.

Psalm 46:4

Deposits of Joy

The Lord says,
I Am making deposits of joy into hearts. And you have the choice to foster and agree with that joy – or to ignore it, refuse it, reject it and choose something else. You don’t have to create joy. I’m not asking you to create something from nothing. I Am literally making the deposit into your heart, and you get to choose whether to grab onto it, keep it and cause it to multiply – or to reject it in favor of the stress, anxiety, despair and disappointment that you are owning and calling your own.

Choose joy. Ask for more of it if you can’t perceive it yet. I Am making it readily available in this season. This is a time to exercise your faith, exercise your will and choose extreme joy despite all that you see and hear. This is what it is to live from up higher. This is the lifestyle I desire for you – one that is above the storm, above the waves and above all the bad reports. You are in Me. You are a son or daughter of the Most High King. Walk in your identity as a member of My Royal Family. Choose joy.

How to Respond

  • Give grace to yourself in this season of disruption, uncertainty and transition.
  • Ask the Lord to show you how to choose joy. Ask Him to help you identify where you are aligning with attributes that are not for you – despair, stress, anxiety, disappointment.
  • Ask the Lord for a greater measure of joy and for wisdom in how to conduct yourself during this season.
  • Refuse any thought that does not inspire hope. “Any thought you have that doesn’t inspire hope is under the influence of a lie.” – Bill Johnson
  • Ask the Lord to show you what living a lifestyle of contagious joy does to your own life and what it does for those around you.
  • Declare that the Lord is making deposits of joy into your heart and you are receiving them, cultivating them and causing them to multiply.


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