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Today’s Reading:
1 Timothy 4
Psalm 29

”Speak the truth and live a life of purity and authentic love as you remain strong in your faith.“

1 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬b ‭TPT

The Spirit of the Living God says,
I’m shining My light in hearts. My light is lighting hearts up from the inside. Great lights — bright and increasing lights — will shine right out of the hearts of My true lovers. They are helping to light the way. They are lighting the path to Me, to cleansing, forgiveness and victory. My true lovers in this day and age are torch bearers for truth. Gone are the days of sit back and wait. Gone are the days of look to the horizon. The day is here. The time is now.

Truth has been trickling down like a mountain stream running with thawed snow. The icy cold water of truth is splashing and causing some to awaken. Some are jumping feet first into this rushing stream of ice cold truth and experiencing a stark but self-propelled awakening. The forecast is for more. The forecast is for greater.

”The voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and seas. The Glory-God reigns as he thunders in the clouds. So powerful is his voice, so brilliant and bright— how majestic as he thunders over the great waters! His tympanic thunder topples the strongest of trees. His symphonic sound splinters the mighty forests. Now he moves Zion’s mountains by the might of his voice, shaking the snowy peaks with his earsplitting sound!“

Psalms‬ ‭29‬:‭3‬-‭6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The forecast is for a serious, harrowing, unmitigatable avalanche of truth and judgement to rumble unexpectedly off the side of this snow covered mountain. The Mountain of Government will experience a great fall, a great collapse that pushes many at all levels right out of office as if swept by an uncontrolled avalanche. Truth and judgement will push them out; and the weight, the force and the unexpected impact will be the end for many. This is a cleansing avalanche. And the mountain of government will be swept by and cleansed with truth and judgement. Nearby mountains will shake and respond. Nearby mountains will experience aftershocks and jolts that cause avalanches to begin there too, that cause truth and cleansing to be powerfully released there too. Business will be impacted greatly. Markets will respond wildly. Yet the peace of My Spirit will rest on My people. And those torch bearers of truth will even go on great rescue missions to pull many out from beneath the weight of the truth and cleansing that has befallen those mountains.

”God’s mighty voice makes the deer to give birth. His thunderbolt-voice lays the forest bare. In his temple all fall before him with each one shouting, “Glory, glory, the God of glory!” Above the furious flood, the Enthroned One reigns, the King-God rules with eternity at his side. This is the one who gives his strength and might to his people. This is the Lord giving us his kiss of peace.“

Psalms‬ ‭29‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Not all who fall will be taken out. Not all swept under by the the force of truth and judgement will remain buried by it. Great numbers will be rescued and emerge as repentant ones, as sorrowful ones whose hearts and lives submit and recive My great transforming love. Old will be made new in these mountains. Change and powerful disruption is coming to these mountains. The shaking will be of such magnitude it will be felt by the whole world, and the great emphasis of the impact will be seen on My Government Mountain.

How to Respond

  • Pray, Holy Spirit, I pray for Your conviction to fall upon those who will repent without the shaking, that they may be spared from great impact. Thank You Lord that You bring truth and judgement and cleansing for the benefit of Your people and for the rescue and release of Your people. Help me to be one who bears Your light of truth and helps many in this time of great unavoidable shaking.
  • Declare, great is the Lord and worthy of all glory, honor and praise. The increase of His government knows no end. And He will bring great truth, judgement and cleansing to the mountains — but the greatest emphasis and impact in this period will be felt and seen on the Mountain of Government.
  • Decree, I will see the hand of the Lord shake the Mountain of Government. I will see the wicked perish in judgement. I will see ones trapped and even willingly operating in wicked systems turn, repent and be saved by the love of the Lord Jesus. The Lord is bringing recompense to His people and judgement to His adversaries. Great is the Word of the Lord. His promises are true, and His love endures forever.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: Be One Who Shares Good News
2022: Watch for Notable Miracles
2021: The Dawn of a New Day


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