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Today’s Readings:
Genesis 1:28
Luke 12:35-40
Psalm 99-101
Isaiah 49:8-26

I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me. No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes. Morning by morning I will destroy all the wicked in the land, cutting off all the evil does from the city of the Lord.

Psalm 101:6-8

Your Role in Occupying and Protecting

The Lord says,
This is a time of celebration and breakthrough. The field has been filling with new players, and every day new players, new warriors move onto the field. Just as in the early wars of this country, the battlefield is not a desolate place. It is land belonging to this country, to this people. Once you are called onto the battlefield, you are called to occupy. Even when the battle is done, the smoke clears and the light of day comes, you are to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. You are to make this place productive.

You are to set up firm boundaries and ensure that the enemy does not return. Accepting the call to the battlefield is accepting and choosing a call to lifelong vigilance. It’s like you are a homestead owner out West in the days of pioneering and the Gold Rush, and you recognize that robbers and bandits could appear unannounced on your property at any time. This is the stance you should take for your home, your community and your nation. The smoke is clearing from the battle, and it’s time to have a long term occupation and protection plan.

Put the Enemy on Notice

The Lord says,
Great peace and safety are present in the land when it is well known that the consequences for trespassing are swift, decisive and even deadly. Those standing, those occupying, those protecting must put the enemy on notice that the schemes of satan are not only unwelcome, but they will be met with swift, decisive and deadly force. There is a zero tolerance policy for evil in this place — in all its many forms. Those who have been given the charge to stand guard and to defend understand the wiles of the enemy. They are not easily tricked, duped or misled. They are very street smart, and they will not tolerate the tricks and schemes of the enemy.

This is what I Am calling you to. I’m calling you to a time of planning and a season of strategy building for how to occupy and protect the land that I Am restoring to you. It takes more than one. It takes many ones who say yes. Build a team. Vet them carefully. Choose ones with hearts for the nation who have no interest in self-promotion or personal advancement. These are the gatekeepers, the guards, the volunteer armed forces, the militia. These are the ones called to flush out evil from every place of power. It’s time for Spring Cleaning, and it’s time to occupy.

A Heartland Visitation

The Lord says,
I Am coming to the Heartland to find My Bride. She is there. She is waiting on the move of My Spirit, and she will not be deterred. She is like a young bride looking out of the window, waiting for her handsome lover, her groom, to return from a long trip. I Am coming to the Heartland. My Spirit is coming to move on the Heartland. I will move on the hearts of the land, and I will cause My Bride to be fruitful and multiply. She will fill the earth and subdue it. As I move on the heart of the land from the Heartland, My Bride will grow in strength, in power, in number, and in authority. She will be intimately familiar with My ways, and she will rule and reign with Me. She will no longer be marked as passive, as weak, as subservient. No. My Bride will be known by her power, wisdom, authority, partnership with Me, and by the supernatural miracles that follow her.

This is a season of occupying indeed. This is a season that follows the breakthrough. This is a season of great authority, a season of My Bride multiplying and rising. She will tower over the enemy, and she will crush his head.

This is a holiness move. This is a move of purity, and My power comes with it. Occupy. Be fruitful. Multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. This is a season of incredible multiplication, productivity, life, power, authority and supernatural miracles. This is a season marked by unprecedented partnership with Me. This is My Kingdom Come, the Kingdom Age.

The King is Here, and there is a Great Harvest in the Heartland.

How to Respond

  • Worship and cultivate an atmosphere of worship in your home and workplace (even if it’s not out loud at work).
  • Ask the Lord what the shift to this new season of planning and strategy building looks like for you.
  • Ask Him what your place in occupying, cleansing, and protecting the land looks like.
  • Ask Him to show you who your team for occupying this place is.
  • Declare that the Lord has brought us into a new season of ownership and occupation.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving in the Heartland and causing His Bride to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it.


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