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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 77:13-15
Psalm 84-85
Psalm 124-126
Isaiah 62
James 1

Yes, the Lord keeps raining down blessing after blessing, and prosperity will drench the land with a bountiful harvest. For deliverance and peace are his forerunners, preparing a path for his steps.

Psalm 85:12-13

A Call for Response

The Lord says,
I Am calling to My people and desire a response. My heart is calling out to your heart. Will you respond? I Am calling to draw you near. I Am calling to remove your fears. I Am calling you to draw near to My heart. I desire for you to know Me and to see Me for Who I really Am. So many have lied about Me. This is one of satan’s biggest schemes. He has done it from the beginning that serpent, the liar. As you see Who I really Am, you will desire to be purified. You will desire holiness. You will desire to dwell with Me. Holiness is not a drag. It is a response. It is a desire that comes with a revelation of My holiness, of Who I Am.

How can you put off your earthly, worldly desires and habits if you have put your life and your heart at the center? Come up higher. Draw near to Me. Ask for a revelation of Me, and once you truly see Me these things that hold you captive, these desires, will become as nothing in your eyes. You will no longer care for them or have a taste for them. I don’t call you into a life of “shoulds and should nots.” I call you into a revelation of Who I Am and who you truly are, who you were created to be; and that revelation reprioritizes your life for you. It reprioritizes your desires for you. It’s not a chore, and it’s not painful. It is an instant natural response to a revelation of Me.

I desire that you draw near. I desire that you ask to see Me and My face. My heart, My ways, My touch. My grace.

A revelation of Me also reprioritizes your schedule. It takes the shoulds and the stress and the busyness and puts it into Kingdom perspective. Now you can see in light of — what is bringing me or my family joy? What is adding value to the Kingdom? What is a false responsibility? What is a burden I don’t need to own? What is keeping me busy that adds no value to my life or my family? And these things you can let go. A revelation of Me simplifies and clarifies your lifestyle and your priorities. Allow Me to do that for you. It is a glorious and wonderful thing that brings great relief from unnecessary stressors. Ask for.a revelation of Me.

Draw near and ask Me to show you Who I really Am. You will find that I Am beautiful beyond compare, that I Am love personified, that I Am the kindest One you’ll ever meet, and that My heart for you and thoughts toward you are lovely, worthy, pure and gentle. You don’t need to fear what you will learn about Me or what I will share about how I see you. It is is truly all good.

Help Me show you how to weed your garden, how to protect your garden from the little foxes that come in only to steal and kill and destroy your garden of life. Ask Me, and I will show you how to weed and protect your garden.

Glorious Season

The Lord says,
We are going into a beautiful and glorious season, where the weight of My glory and the manifestation of My Presence is thick and heavy and apparent and real. My Glory will bring a deeper revelation of Me, and likewise will further bring clarity and right thinking to your own understanding of your identity. My Glory will be a great perspective changer, and it will also reprioritize your life for the better. When I say better, I don’t just mean for My better. I mean, you will also genuinely like it better. You will love it. We are on the same team, and I love those things that excite you and make your heart soar with purpose. Invite Me along, even now.

Cargo Loads Full of Truth

The Lord says,
I’m delivering massive cargo to the East Cost and to the West Coast. I Am dropping off a lot of information today in the East and the West on parallel tracks. These cargo shipments are delivering truth, container after container after container of truth. The truth will stack so high when it is offloaded, that it will not be denied. It cannot be denied. No one thought, no one lying and hiding, covering and twisting the truth ever thought that such a delivery of truth would arrive in such orderly, undeniable, insurmountable volumes. On the East Coast and the West Coast, the liars and the fraudsters and the cover-up artists will stumble and scratch their heads in disbelief at the magnitude of truth, of evidence, of verifiable proof; and they will fall. I will topple them says the Lord God Almighty. Toppling them is not hard for me. It is as simple as flicking of my thumb and forefinger. These are not giants in my eyes. I will flick them from the scene.

Then the evidence, the truth, incontrovertible truth will be delivered in orderly fashion to the appropriate destinations. It will be processed, and it will deliver new receipts, new tickets, new outcomes. The calculations will come back, and new totals will be clear. And the people will burst with great joy, because the new receipt, the new ticket, the new tabulations returns much to their pockets, returns much in their favor. It gives them more than they had before. It is a great and miraculous receipt that gives the people back more than they had before. It not only restores what the first receipt and tabulation took, charged, required. It gives them more than what they started with; and there will be a great victorious celebration, a great wave of surprise and joy of the incredible favorable tabulations.

Following this magnificent tabulation for the people, there will be wave up on wave upon wave of victory for the people that is released by My Hand.

Hearts will be filled with awe, with joy, with celebration, with vindication, and with humility at the work of the Hand of the Lord God Almighty and My favor on this nation. My favor on this nation will have worldwide ripple effects. There’s no island too far off for the ripple effects of this massive tsunami of My favor to touch.

How to Respond

  • Draw near to the Lord. He is calling, and He longs to reveal Himself to you. Just ask.
  • Immerse yourself in worship and in His Word. Ask Him to show you how good He is.
  • Declare the coming of the truth at the Hand of the Lord.
  • Declare that the Lord is bringing His truth, His favor and His restoration in such a powerful way, that it will be an undeniable victory for the people.
  • Celebrate the goodness of the Lord, His favor and kindness today by doing something that brings you joy and inviting Him along.


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