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Today’s Readings:
John 10:1-30
1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
James 3:17-18
Psalm 59 &. 61
Isaiah 40

Live carefree before God. He is most careful with you.

1 Peter 5:7

Live from a Wellspring of Joy

The Lord says,
Wait on My timing. Keep a guard on your mouth and only speak life. Live with a a thankful heart. Take stock of your blessings and count them one by one. Learn to enjoy the moment, to live in the moment. Don’t carry so many cares around. Learn to live carefree, because you have a Father who cares deeply for you. Learn to live from a wellspring of joy in this time of great uncertainty and turmoil. This is a mark of My people. They can lead and live with joy because of the hope and the trust that they have in Me.

You are not of the tribe of the hand wringers. You are not born of those who fret and worry about tomorrow. You know the Author of tomorrow. Whom or what shall you fear? Keep your eyes on Me. Worship. Live thankfully. Enjoy what I have given you and the works of your hand, the fruit of your labor. Work with me. Call upon Me to pull those promises into today.

Live in harmony. Live with ease, not from a place of striving or hurry or chaos. You carry peace. Be peace. Bring peace with you and release it into those moments and situations that require it. Don’t be baited into chaos and rancor. You are not of it. You are apart from it. You are a different breed, born of a different tribe. You are one of the tribe of peace, hope and love. Live that way. Reflect Me. Enjoy life.

Dance in the Waiting

The Lord says,
Learn to dance with Me while you wait. Learn to intuit My moves and anticipate My steps. Learn My ways. As you do, as you focus on Me, and moving with Me, the chaos and the noise falls away.
With eyes on Me and a focus on moving with Me, in perfect time and perfect unity with Me, the noise disappears from your consciousness, and peace and joy, the oil of gladness and a full heart flood in. Light and joy beam from your face.

The Arrival of Peace

The Lord says,
I Am creating a stillness. I Am causing a great stillness to fall upon the Earth. It is My peace. My people will recognize it. Those who don’t know Me yet will take great comfort in this Peace, and they will long for it to remain. They will search for and desire the source of this peace. For those who have sided with evil and have become evil themselves – to these, the peace will bring terror. It will cause them to know that their time is up. The silence and the stillness will haunt them, and they will act with even greater madness, and create even more chaos and run around like wild donkeys. They will squeal and scream. But the blanket, the covering, the presence of My peace will cause a great shelter for you from the madness and the mayhem.

You will look on at this chaos and be disinterested. The squeals and the bucking and the wild behavior will appear to be the ravings of mad men and women, and you will not desire to look at it. Their madness will not draw you in, will not draw any interest. My peace will cause you to bask in peace, in stability, in light and in truth. Their madness will fade from your sight and your consciousness. I will take care of them. And while I do, you will have eyes raptly focused on Me, desiring the things of My heart, longing for greater understanding of My Word. It will be so.

Soak, enjoy, dwell in this peace that I send. It will revive your soul, it will restore ease and calm to your mind and to your muscles and bones and stomachs and hearts. It will cause great relief to come to your body, and the breath in your lungs will feel fresh and clean. Get into the wave of My peace. It is here to serve and comfort and protect and revive you.

How to Respond

  • Declare the peace of the Lord over you and your household. Say yes to this peace and call it to you.
  • Spend time in thanksgiving today. Thank the Lord for His faithfulness, His protection, His guidance and His Presence.
  • Thank the Lord that He is dealing with evil in the Earth in His way and His timing. Agree with Him in prayer and continue to ask for His justice in America and the Earth.
  • Spend some time in the sunshine just enjoying the warmth and light on your skin.


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