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Be Secured to the Anchor

The Lord says, 
Today is going to be a very good day. Get your hopes up. Lift your eyes up. Anticipate very good things, because I Am moving today. I Am shaking. I Am shaking first in the west and then the shaking will spread to the east. The time for the shaking is here. The time for waiting is over.

Justice for the Children & Building Assignments for the Pioneers

The Lord says, 
My heart aches for the children. My heart aches for the unborn at risk. My heart aches for the neglected and abused. My heart aches for those whose parents are lost and wandering children themselves, unable to care for anyone. My heart aches for the hurting children — all of My hurting children. Their lives should not be like this. I Am moving to rescue the children, to give them a future and a hope.

Truth Will Be Exposed & Justice Will Be Served

The Lord says, 
I’m filling My people. I’m filling them with hope, with joy, with passion and with purpose. We are walking into days where many new decisions and many major changes will need to happen. I Am filling My people up and empowering them to make these decisions to take major risks, to walk into the unknown, to leave past careers, cities, partnerships, relationships, and lifestyles behind.

Truth and Freedom Will Burst Forth

The Lord says, 
I don’t stop. I haven’t stopped. I’ve never stopped fighting for you. One day, all fighting, enmity and strife will cease. But that is not yet. That is not now. That is not today.

Today we are still at war. Today I Am with you in the fight for truth, justice, righteousness, purity, morality and to ensure that the children remain innocent of evil.

Freedom & the True Church Are Rising

The Lord says, 
If you want freedom from the burden of sin, come to the cross of Jesus. His blood was spilled to heal you, save you, restore you and give you victory in life. Indeed, the very power of life is in His blood. Come and accept the offering of Jesus’s sacrifice, accept His blood as atonement and be counted as one worthy, one crucified with Him and raised to life with Him.

This is Life in the Spirit

The Lord says, 
My Spirit living in you can do the impossible. It can conquer all. It is My pleasure to dwell with you. Being in My Presence is the fullness of joy, and at My right hand are pleasures forevermore. We were meant to be together. Let’s dwell together. Let’s sit together. Let’s talk late into the night together. Let’s make plans together. This is life in the Spirit.

Prepare the Way of the Lord

The Lord says, 
Jesus is the lover of your soul. He loved you so much that He made a way for you when there was no way. He made a way to restore your right standing with Me. He wants your heart. He wants to walk with you and do life with you. Close any gap that remains between you and Jesus.

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