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The Lord is Setting Hearts on Fire

The Lord says, 
I Am stirring up hearts today. I Am stirring up hearts of those who barely know Me, of those who only know My Name. I Am stirring up a deep, sudden passion and desire for Me. I Am stirring up desire for Me — for Who I Am — not what I can do. I Am stirring up this desire, and many will be swept off of their feet immediately with a burning passion and desire for Me. Many will be filled with love and certainty.

We’re Almost Home

The Lord says, 
We are almost home. Don’t stumble now. Don’t fall now. Don’t give up now. We are almost to the other side of this time of intense testing and warfare. We are almost to the other side. Victory is waiting on the shore. Push through. Victory is cheering you on. Press in. Press on. Press ahead. Be found faithful. Be counted as faithful and having finished this leg of the race, succeeding across this very difficult terrain — having finished it in faith and enduring to the end.

The Truth is INCOMING!!!

The Lord says, 
The release of truth is imminent, and it will secure the land. I Am hovering over the land, hovering over the moment, hovering over the docking point, the place where the truth lands. My Spirit is singing over it. I Am singing a victory song, because the moment is near. The point of impact is so near, and victory is assured. It is certain.

Freedom Days & Glory Days

The Lord says, 
Freedom is My gift to you. It is not free. It cost Me, and it is a “maintenance required” gift. Defending, protecting, cultivating and maintaining freedom requires time, work, effort and a plan. I hear the hearts of so many in the world crying out for freedom. I Am moving to bring it, to deliver it, to restore it. It will be up to you to steward, to lead, to share wisdom. These are freedom days.

A New Season of Planning, Occupying & Rising

The Lord says, 
This is a time of celebration and breakthrough. The field has been filling with new players, and every day new players, new warriors move onto the field. Just as in the early wars of this country, the battlefield is not a desolate place. It is land belonging to this country, to this people. Once you are called onto the battlefield, you are called to occupy.

The Turnaround is Right Now!

The Lord says, 
Right now! I’m turning everything around. Right now! There’s no more waiting on tomorrow. Right now it’s My pleasure to bring the turnaround. My heart is filled with love and compassion for My people. My heart is filled with joy at the gift of the turnaround I Am bringing.

Resurrection Season

The Lord says, 
Resurrection is on My mind. We are now entering a resurrection season. When is resurrection season? The Spring. Indeed the Spring Harvest is upon us. This Spring of Two Springs has arrived, and I Am moving in resurrection power. I Am moving to bring life to what looks like it is long past 3 days dead. I am moving like in the valley of dry bones. Even now hope is sprouting in the hearts of My lovers.

Wind in the Sails of the Faithful

The Lord says, 
My faithfulness, My grace and mercy, My steadfastness — these are immutable truths, unchanging characteristics of Who I Am, and they are for you. My hand of mercy, grace, love, truth, joy, light and righteousness is reaching out to you. You are not alone. I Am here with My hand outstretched to you. I long for you to lift your eyes up, pick your chin up, seek Me and My righteousness.

The Comeback

The Lord says,
Let’s call it a comeback. I Am making a comeback. One that has been prophesied and longed for by My people. I Am making a comeback that has been seen in the hearts of My lovers. I Am making a comeback again, and it will blow people’s minds. Whether you have seen it in the Spirit, prayed and for and desired it greatly, or have been completely oblivious — My comeback will be a stunning one.

A Tsunami of Favor

The Lord says, 
I Am calling to My people and desire a response. My heart is calling out to your heart. Will you respond? I Am calling to draw you near. I Am calling to remove your fears. I Am calling you to draw near to My heart. I desire for you to know Me and to see Me for Who I really Am. So many have lied about Me.

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