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Today’s Reading:
Zechariah 3
Zechariah 4

”“Zerubbabel is the one who laid the foundation of this Temple, and he will complete it. Then you will know that the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has sent me. Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” (The seven lamps represent the eyes of the Lord that search all around the world.)“

Zechariah‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Zerubbabel means begotten in Babylon

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says,
I choose you. I choose you for great exploits. I choose you to do serious damage to the Kingdom of Darkness. I choose you to advance and take the high ground and the hill country beyond that. Yours is not a little part. Don’t look at what I have put in your hands and heart and say that this is a little part. Don’t say, “my part is only a small part.” No, it’s a vital part. Your part is a vital and very important part. No one can kick darkness in the teeth the way that you can. No one can shine and reflect the Son the way that I made you to specifically and uniquely to reflect His brilliance and glory. Do not despise the work I have put in your hands. Do not think that it is a small part.

”Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.“

Zechariah‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

Do not despise the days of small beginnings, because your faithfulness begets more being entrusted to you. My faithfulness is steady and true. It is not dependent on you. But the size and weight of that I will entrust to you is dependent on your faithfulness. It is dependent on you giving your all in the small things, in the first things, in what I have already placed in your open hands. I Am right here with you. I don’t deposit the assignment and the call and then walk away. I’m right here behind you whispering, this is the way, walk in it. I’m nudging you inside of your heart saying, “Go here. Say this. Do that.” I never leave you to figure it out on your own. Quiet yourself. Back up from the noise, and seek My face. I will instruct you. I will guide you. I will help you back up when you stumble, and I will course correct you when you make a mistake. I love you, and I Am for you.

”“Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here.“

Zechariah‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

Don’t get caught in a fear-based paralysis that renders you useless and sets aside my cause. Run with Me into the future. Run with Me into the days ahead, and stay busy and diligent in the work I have called you to do. Let My joy fill you to the brim and then overflow. Let My joy become your strength that takes you forward. And as you are faithful, you will find that I Am faithful to add and multiply and increase the weight of the assignment I have put in your hand. This is on-mission training. The training is not separate from the work I’ve called you to do. This is on-the-job training. Be faithful in it, and watch as I grow what I’ve put in your hand. Watch as I expand and even explode the vision I’ve put in your heart. It starts small. It starts with you being faithful with the little things I have already placed in your hand. Don’t race ahead of Me, and don’t beg for more. Be faithful, and You will be amazed how I cause what is in your hand to grow, to multiply and to increase in weight. Your faithfulness will bring the more.

How to Respond

  • Stay busy and disciplined in doing the work the Lord has called you to do.
  • Continue to be diligent in seeking His face.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit breathe fresh ideas and fresh energy on this work that You have put in my hand and called me to do. Help me to not get run down, discouraged or tired of it. Help me to treasure it and diligently do the work through the strength that Your overflowing joy gives me.
  • Declare, The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. He opens before me pathways to God’s pleasure and leads me along in His footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to His Name.
  • Decree, I will be busy about my Father’s business. I will be like the man who wisely invested and stewareded ten minas and was given charge of ten cities. I will seek the Lord with all diligence, and I will love the Lord with my mind, body, soul and strength. I will be one who kicks in the teeth of darkness and shines a brilliant light that brings many to the light of Truth, my King and Savior, Jesus.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: Live In Radiant Joy, Boiling Passion & Total Trust
2022: The Turnaround Is Here and We Are Walking into The Greater Days
2021: Justice for the Children & Building Assignments for the Pioneers


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