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Living in Victory Season Requires Us to Stay At War

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
This is a victorious season, and one in which we see many decisive triumphs. You will see and be part of many victories that appear to be taken by blunt force. You will see some victories that are won by workarounds, by routing and usurping the enemy. You will see some battles will be won by catapulting a massive, destructive stone into their camps, into their castle, into their fortification. This is a spiritual war that is playing out as ground warfare.

Only Castles Built on the Rock Will Remain

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Castles of sand are being built alongside castles of stone. To the outside eye, they don’t appear to be very different. The castles of sand seem to be built and established much more quickly than the castles of stone. A greater number of the castles of sand are being built, because the castles of stone require more tedious work. But when the waves come, the people will see what remains.

Change Is Advancing & You Will Be Thrust Into Its Midst

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth, Righteousness & Justice say, 
You’re sitting on the razor’s edge of change. Change is marching steadily forward like troops arrayed for battle, and soon you will be thrust into their midst. Soon you will drop into the middle of change as it is marching forward in formation, and all you will see is change. Everywhere you look change will be marching forward, steadily, surely, undeterred.

Freedom Has Been Set Free

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Grace is rising. Hope is rising. The truth has been bound in chains, but today I Am breaking those chains. I Am demolishing those chains. Freedom has been unleashed from her prison, and the eagle will fly and soar again. I Am liberating the eagle, and she shall be free. She shall not return to the dungeon of her confinement, the prison that held her in darkness with no room to spread her wings. This is a beautiful day in America. This is liberation day.

Watchmen Report to Your Posts & War With the Word of the Lord

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
The pace is intensifying. I Am the Lord of the times and seasons. Though the enemy pushes and pushes to have his way, I control the times and seasons. I Am increasing the intensity of the pace. I Am causing it to feel like time is speeding up. This will force the enemy to play every card in their hand before the game is over. I Am squeezing them with the intensity of the pace and the shortening of the time. Time is running out for the wicked.

Bow Low, Stay Low

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Abraham say, 
You’re going to see a victory, but it will not look like you thought it would. My heart is burning for America. The flames go higher and higher. The prayers of the saints for this nation are an incense that comes into My flame of passion, comes into My heart and is consumed by My fiery passion for this bride. Stay low. Stay humble. Stay prostrate before Me.

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