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The Lord’s Graciousness & Kindness Are Leading Many to Truth

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
Graciousness, kindness and truth — that is how My heart is leading people. It’s with graciousness, kindness and truth. Not all are willing to start with the bitter taste of truth. It’s bitter to those who have been eating the sugar coating of deception. Truth needs to be gradual for some, so I Am leading many to truth by My grace, from My endless reservoir of kindness.

The Power Anointing Comes By Power

The Spirit of the Living God of Grace says, 
Grace is penetrating people’s hearts and shining through it. My grace is hitting people’s hearts, penetrating people’s hearts — bringing to them and through them the Spirit of Might, prophecy and redemption. This is a power infusion. This is the time of the power infusions from Christ the King.

This Is the Great Return & The Great Turning

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
The truth is established as a firm foundation. It will not be moved. The truth is the ancient foundation which is being uncovered, discovered and recovered. It has been hidden, covered over and obscured from view. Those who love truth are searchers, are diggers, and they will hit the solid rock of truth, the bedrock foundation of glorious, immovable, immutable truth.

This Is the Time of the Youth Rising

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Desire for wisdom is surging. The hunger for Me, the hunger to know Me and experience the reality of being known by Me is surging. A deep hunger and thirst for righteousness is in the mouths and hearts of many. College campuses will continue to display and will explode with the expression of this hunger in a greater way than has ever been seen before.

A Personal Destiny Awakening

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
My principles are written in stone. They are written in Living Stone. They are written on the tablets of your heart. They are written on the life of the Cornerstone of your faith, Christ Jesus. He is the solid rock and the Cornerstone. You are the living stones that are building the Church, the legislative body of Christ’s Kingdom, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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