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Old Dreams Are Resurfacing for Such a Time As This

I heard the Spirit of the Living God, the Father of Heavenly Lights say, I’m dropping morsels in your heart — morsels of My goodness, morsels of dreams. I Am revealing to you dreams long-forgotten, long-dismissed, long-brushed over, and I’m dropping them into your heart as a little morsel of goodness and a hint of what is to come. This is a season to walk in My goodness. This is a time to walk uninhibited in My goodness and in a greater revelation that I Am absolutely good, that My dreams and My heart, My purposes and plans for you are tailor-designed for you.

You Are in the Birthing Suite

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Israel say, 
The pressure of what’s coming is what you are feeling. I’m birthing something out of your heart. You can feel the pressure of that now. Perfect change is upon you. Birthing change is upon you. Grace is real. (Or He may have said Grace Israel.) These are the birthing pains of the new thing I Am doing in you and will bring through you, to you and for others.

Tornado Winds of Change Will Be Blowing In — For Your Good & God’s Glory

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Get your hopes up. It’s time to really get your hopes up. Stir up excitement. Stir up anticipation. Stir up the scriptures in your heart. Stir up My promises in your heart. The rain is coming. The tornado winds of change are coming. The hurricane force winds of change are coming. And it will be for your benefit. It will be for your good and My glory. Choose to walk with Me. Choose to stick very close to Me.

Desperate Longing & Childlike Faith

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
A desperate longing for My heart, for My face, for My glory. I respond to hunger, and I respond to faith. Let your deep need call out to Me in faith that I will respond, in faith that I will move on your behalf. Stir up your childlike faith. Look at the lives and the hearts and the posture of those who have childlike faith.

The Spirit of Gross Darkness in Obama & Kamala Is Being Exposed

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Discontentment. A discontented heart. The drumbeat of totals is coming. The drumbeat of totals is here. Indistinct patterns are emerging — patterns of life. You will be able to overlay lifestyle patterns. Patterns are emerging that show distinct, intentional overlap of the spirit behind the power, the authority, the person. Soon you will be able to identify the spirit of gross darkness behind Obama and Kamala.

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